Man has searched for over four millenia to discover the secrets of the material world. The fixed houses of astrology (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) represent material mastery of the known world. It was with extraordinary excitement that we heard that there was a major scientific announcement from Livermore Laboratory. US scientists have achieved fusion ignition. Fusion is the alchemist dream of turning one base element into another. Until now, only the stars have been able to complete this incredible feat.
The Department of Energy Press Conference described the experiment in detail today. On Monday, December 5, 2022, at precisely 1:03 am at the Livermore Laboratory in California, lasers energized a pellet that in turn ignited into fusion. The scientists sitting on the panel stage are nothing less than true alchemists able to transform hydrogen into helium.
The moment tells the tale. Taurus Uranus in the 8th is the scientist working with base elements. On the Ascendant, the ruler of Taurus, the Virgo Ceres, is emerging. Creative, unlike her sister Vesta who chooses to be barren, she does not purify but instead grows things. Ceres form of environmentalism is not one of diminishing returns but abundance. Ceres is often depicted with the cornucopia of abundance. Fusion is the potential of abundant green energy. No longer shackled to reduction of resources and hobbling along with ever increasing distilled products that are toxic for geologic timescales, fusion represents a manageable and abundant source of energy.

This mysterious alchemical moment requires a partnership between Ceres and Vesta. Ceres donning the mantle of Vesta is on the path of the sun traversing the known world. In her 2nd house, she has the Scorpio south node. Scorpio has pulled her deep into her earthly home and she has provided all the right materials. Ceres scientists, the Taurus Uranus, are together in the 8th sharing their deep knowledge of the physical world. Ceres in her sister’s Virgoan process of purification in still in the 12th house. There in the 11th house of the laboratory is Leo, the sign of the Sun. The Sun itself in close connection to the nodes and in the 3rd house of the schoolhouse. Teaching the pupils his knowledge. This all adds up to the ancient alchemical recipe. V.I.T.R.I.O.L. Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem in modern english “Visit the interior of the earth and purifying you will find the hidden stone.” Ceres, as purifier, visits the depths of man’s knowledge and finds the hidden stone. Truly an extraordinary event, man has become alchemist. The Aquarius Saturn in the 5th, the alchemical masters sitting on stage revealing their scientific breakthrough.