An ancient mystery. Deep in the Vatican Apostolic Archives, formerly Vatican Secret Archives, does the Catholic Church have a document establishing its astrological formation? The Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church has deep and ancient roots. Every zodiac sign has hallmarks. The Catholic Church shows its zodiacal hallmarks through the Sancta Mater Ecclesia or Holy Mother Church, and the representation of Jesus with his mother the Virgin Mary. This is the Cancer zodiac sign. Mother of an infant so young they are still feeding on their mother’s milk. Why should Jesus Christ, a grown man, a carpenter, a preacher, a martyr and a god worshipped as the son of God not the son of Mary be displayed constantly as an infant with his mother? Why is Mary important even without her infant? Biblically, Mary just isn’t that important so why the emphasis on her? The Protestant offshoots don’t continue in this vein.
The Virgin Mother
The First Council of Nicaea was an ecumenical council that created the early organization and canon law of the Catholic Church and settled theological questions that created the Nicene Creed. High-ranking churchmen settled all theological matters. The dissenting ideas were denounced and those persisting were put out of the newly ascendant and state recognized church. The First Council of Nicaea represents the most likely horoscope of the Catholic Church. Sancta Mater Ecclesia. So Cancer on the Ascendant or Midheaven. The opening time isn’t known but a morning session seems likely. A Cancer Ascendant ruled by an Aquarius Moon. Fixed thoughts. Pesistance. It is almost a 1,700 year old institution persisting through the centuries on some very fixed ideas. There in the institutional house, the 12th, there is a Cancer Venus often realized as the young mother with an infant. This is most likely the institutional connection to the Virgin Mary holding her young infant. She is the Church’s icon and rolemodel. The virginal church calls itself the bride of Christ and proudly seeks to succor Christ’s children, the regular Catholics of ordinary experience. Each representation of Mary and her infant is the portrait of the Church itself. Holy Mother. Producer of the infant’s milk.

Horoscope of the Catholic Church
The secret of the horoscope is the Catholic Church’s manifest destiny to produce an heir (Taurus Sun) and family by Aquarian (Aquarius Moon) means. The has resulted in an overwhelming number of schisms that have made Christendom. Each schism producing at least one heir and new member of the family. This first council dealt with Arianism and divided off those who held these non-Trinitarian beliefs. That first schism of the Catholic Church persists down to this day. From its inception, it has adopted a polytheistic belief system that firmly is divided from other belief systems.
The Aquarius zodiac sign subsists on its own resources as it develops. It is likened to a butterfly in the chrysalis. The Aquarian Jupiter shows that at its heart, as a belief system, only the church’s beliefs matter. Even over almost 1,700 years, those beliefs still reside in the minds of the elderly high ranking churchmen who meet in ecumenical councils and papal conclaves. Even when those men choose a progressive leader as Pope, the septuganarian, octogenarian or even nonogenarian in their infirm years has to fight the collective inert mass of the institutional church to make any adjustments. This butterfly is forever engaged in the struggle to emerge from his cocoon. The outside world has no real chance of ever influencing the church’s belief system directly. Only by modifying the beliefs of its elderly leaders, most likely when they were young, can the church’s beliefs adjust some fifty or sixty years later. The church forever remains out of step with the modern world, a true inner Aquarian marching to the beat of its own drum, producing heirs and growing into an extended, oftentimes fractious family. The Sancta Mater Ecclesia.