King Edward VIII abdicated in 1936 and told everyone it was because he was in love with the still married Wallis Simpson. In reality, he didn’t want the responsiblity. That doesn’t tell us much about what he did want. Wallis isn’t that convincing a reason. Prior to the abdication, Wallis left England and offered to give Edward up and he made it clear he was giving the kingship up no matter what. Even without Wallis, he was giving the crown up.
He went into the Abdication as King Edward VIII and came out David Windsor. It wasn’t until later that his brother created him Duke of Windsor. So what was David Windsor seeking after handing back the crown? He gave his Royal Assent under Tauran influence. I consider Taurus to be ruled by Ceres. The horoscope has a Capricorn Ceres in the 9th house conjunct Capricorn Jupiter and Mercury.
Ceres is focused on material comfort, valuables and wealth. Taurus is the zodiac sign of fixed earth. Material. This isn’t money (that would be Venus and Libra) but valuable things. David wasn’t retreating from the world as a monk dedicating himself to poverty and service, he planned to take off with the goods.
The 9th house represents the place he intended to land. This is places where quests occur, places of expansion, and really does tend to find expression in the word broad and quest. Abroad, the broader considerations decided by a Supreme Court, broad minded, broadcast as in publishing. Quests, questions, inquest. David Windsor planned to travel abroad but he wasn’t looking for answers, he already had them. There conjunct Ceres is Jupiter, the planet of the querant, with Mercury, the planet with the answers. David thought he knew it all.
As a planet, Jupiter is the action man or woman. Jupiter is a person on a quest. He also represents kings. Queen Elizabeth was a Capricorn Ascendant so she was more a Master (Saturn rules Capricorn) than a King. Prince William and Princess Diana are Sagittarius Ascendants and so are ruled by Jupiter. King Charles is a Leo Ascendant so he is ruled by the Sun and is a Prince. David’s Ascendant was Aquarius ruled by Uranus the rebel. Their collective behavior shows how Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and the Sun act as a king.

The Windsors had something to say about David’s quest. The Ascendant was on 8° Taurus whose Sabian symbol is “a sleigh without snow.” Failing to ask questions and seek answers, David thought he knew it all but his sleigh wasn’t going anywhere. At the moment he signed his royal assent, his brother became Ceres. The material wealth of England passed into his hands. The Ceres-Jupiter-Mercury conjunction in the Abdication chart is also the horoscope of his brother’s reign. This moment shows how King Edward VIII (Ceres-Jupiter) and his brother, Bertie Windsor (Mercury) became King George VI (Ceres-Jupiter) and his brother, David Windsor (Mercury). The two brothers switched places. David became the Capricorn Mercury and his own personal wealth would come from his sibling relationship to the King.
England is a nation of shopkeepers and has a special affinity for Mercury. The 2nd house is in Gemini. This is clearly England. Instead of possessing England, David now only had influence over his brother to supply him with resources. The partner to these brothers as King is the retrograde Cancer Pluto in the 4th house. Just in case that isn’t enough to identify her, the Scorpio Moon is in the 7th house. Momma (Queen Mary) would be watching David’s questionable behavior (Sagittarius Sun in the 8th) and balancing the scales between King George VI and David.
This was clearly not an elected chart. David Windsor did not know that the retrograde Taurus Uranus was conjunct the Ascendant. His rebellious behavior would literally send him into exile. Aquarius on the 11th house cusp. The 11th house includes places of exile. For David, there is a T-square between Pisces Saturn (David’s dissolving responsibility) and Virgo Neptune (Bertie’s service ideals) focusing on the apex Sagittarius Sun (David’s flight abroad and Bertie’s behaving as king). King George VI’s natal Sagittarius Mercury (king brother) is conjunct the Abdicaton Sun. For King George VI (a natal Sagittarius Sun), that same action plunged him into the depths to act as the king (Sagittarius Sun).
Meghan Sussex appears to be the reincarnation of David Windsor. Did Meghan learn anything from David’s quest? Considering that the Capricorn Jupiter is conjunct the south node, I would say that David’s quest was driving many of the decisions of Megxit. The past looms large in the Megxit Gemini Moon conjunct the Abdication south node as well. There was certainly an attempt to have more control this time. Once again, Ceres is in the picture and this time Ceres is inbetween Saturn, Pluto and Sun, Mercury. This time the goods are snuggled between two tight glyphs that represent Harry (Saturn-Pluto) and Meghan (Sun-Mercury). Jupiter is off to the side.

The Sussexes through Megxit were attempting to manifest a prestigious, wealthy business empire. Their partner in this endeavor is once again the Royal Family who are the rebels this time. Ruled by the 2° Taurus Uranus conjunct the Midheaven on the Sabian symbol “an electrical storm”. Whose light show do you want to watch? The Royal Family or the Sussexes?
So which way should they go? Megxit’s north node in Cancer points to the Gemini Moon in the 11th house. William Wales is the Gemini Moon in the 11th. Gemini is siblings and the Moon is the ruling planet of Cancer, William’s Sun sign. Megxit alienated (11th house) William Wales (Gemini Moon). The only path forward is the alienation between Harry Sussex and William Wales. The Moon rules the path forward represented by the Cancer north node. Likely this means that the alienation will continue. The setup of the chart puts Harry’s gylph (Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, Harry is an 8th house Sun and Capricorn Ascendant) in quincunx to his brother. The Abdication 22° Scorpio Moon and Harry’s Megxit glyph creates a Yod to William Wales. This is about William’s kingship.
If the Sussexes want that prestigious, wealthy business empire, they will find it through service. Leave the playboy lifestyle and attention seeking behind them and roll up their sleeves. Harry needs to be front and center with the servant image and Meghan needs to shift her attention to lifting the veil with product placement. Serving the public with his own resources (Harry’s Virgo Sun in the Megxit 2nd) with Meghan lifting the veil on their lifestyle while discreetly hawking high end lifestyle and household goods (Meghan’s Leo Sun in the Megxit 12th) is a better use of the Megxit Ceres conjunct Sun in the 6th house and Pluto Saturn in the 6th. This will drive William Wales to outshine them and that is the karmic point. The true Jupiterian karmic quest is for William Wales to reset the ancient clock governing England’s kingdom.