Right now, in the United States of America, astrology attracts people mostly from one side of the political spectrum. Even a big number of English speaking astrologers favor the Democratic Party when they look at US politics and these folks generally are referred to as left on the political spectrum. This is leftover and incorrect nomenclature from a time when Democrats were led by moderate liberals. It is a misnomer because the Democratic Party has been esposing ideas recently that are extremely authoritarian, a position of the far right. Stopping free speech is a position of the extreme right. Censoring social media is stopping free speech. Pressuring social media companies to censor or block Americans posts based on the positions of the government is censorship.
The definition of the word censor is officially examine and suppress or remove any parts that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable or a threat to security. The liberal philosophy of America’s founding is why freedom of speech is the First Amendment of the US Constitution. Another example of the extreme right views has been the hyper vigilance in political correctness that exerts strong behavior control and is illiberal. Pluto has been in the zodiac sign Capricorn since 2008. Government (Capricorn) control (Pluto) is one major symptom of this transit. This transit is now fading away as Pluto is starting to transit Aquarius and, more important to the USA, Neptune will soon transit Aries.
Due to these Capricorn Pluto effects coupled with Neptune transiting Pisces since 2012, most astrologers of all political stripes find it difficult to read political charts. This is unfortunate because it blinds us to the patterns that are shaping our future. As an example, the National Rifle Association (NRA) is one of the institutions that many astrologers immediately see its downfall in every event. Although the United States of America is a creature of air, meaning it is an idea, it is a more powerful astrological entity than many millions of people. The United States created the NRA. The NRA is a creature created directly from America’s Gemini Mars. The USA’s natal chart is often called the Sibly chart and that is the term used hereafter.
Like every nation on Earth, we have had an ongoing astrological pattern adjustment. Several major alignments of the outer planets have occurred recently and those alignments will have effects beyond a human lifetime more suited for entities that exist longer than an individual person. Nations are more influenced by these patterns. Just as the 28-29 year Saturn Return heralds a maturation period for a human, these outer planet returns and aspect patterns herald repeating maturation cycles for nations. The NRA wasn’t created by Sibly to deal with the human scale version of Gemini Mars, school (Gemini) shooter (Mars), it is there to deal with the national scale version of Gemini Mars, survival of the town (Gemini) versus the rural/foreign (Sagittarius).
The January 6th storming of the Capitol is a transit chart of Sibly. The Ascendant is in Gemini ruled by Mercury. At the time of the event, the actor was the Capricorn Mercury conjunct Pluto. This actor is an antagonist to the retrograde Sibly Cancer Mercury. This is important to understand. Who really was against and trying to control America’s First Amendment; speech, press and assembly, on January 6th?
While many think that Capricorn Mercury is outgoing President Donald Trump speaking on the Mall, in fact this Capricorn Mercury is actually in the 9th house, the Capitol itself, along with its Descendant partner the Aquarius Jupiter conjunct Saturn. This is where political stripes can matter to interpretation and therefore reviewing a previous iteration of the cycle can help. This period of time marked by Neptune transiting into Aries was the time of the Civil War. The period of time of the Capricorn Pluto transiting into Aquarius was the Revolutionary War.
Donald Trump is the Libra Moon in the 5th in this event. The waning Moon on stage (5th house place) in Libra which is associated as much with war as peace. The antagonist is in the Capitol and Trump was never in the Capitol. The Mercury is associated with Capricorn government while the expanding crowd of people (Aquarius Jupiter) is also in the Capitol. Although this Mercurial person or people have never been identified it is clear that they gave a message that caused the storming (1st house in Gemini) of the Capitol. The Aquarian Jupiter, the American crowd, are ruled by the retrograde Taurus Uranus in T-square to the Sibly nodes of the Moon. Sibly’s path in life was to consume Leo’s princes to produce Aquarian ideas into material possessions (2nd house). King George the Third eat your heart out or the Americans will.

Therefore what is the point of this transit chart, the Capricorn Mercury person opposed and sought to control (conjunction with Capricorn Pluto) Sibly’s American retrograde Cancer Mercury. They were taking on and trying to control America’s Constitution, in particular its First Amendment (the Mercurial right to free speech, press and communication between people such as the freedom to assemble) by using America’s martial expression. Sibly’s Gemini Mars was conjunct the Storming chart’s Gemini north node. Mercury was seeking to consume that aspect of America much as America itself wants to consume Leo’s Princes. The north node is where we consume new raw material.
Time will tell but human concerns don’t play well against larger astrological entites. Now that Pluto is transiting into Aquarius more information is becoming available. Pluto isn’t exactly easy on those he tempts especially at the end of his transit. The Capricorn government has been tempted but Pluto is now going to tempt the Aquarian American people.

As the January 6th Commission Hearing was televised, Sibly had resumed control. The entire chart echos the Sibly chart house placement. The sunlight (Gemini Sun) of the commission hearing would highlight America’s Gemini Mars. The Commission would influence America’s Leo north node but it would all happen in the 8th house of the vault or the deep well. No one in the public was that interested.
For that one moment of potential illumination, the Aries Jupiter had moved to conjunct America’s Imum Coeli (IC). This is a very sensitive spot for America. The IC is the very foundation of the nation. America’s ruling planet, Jupiter, is angry (Aries) and lies close by the sensitive spot. In a further emphasis, the Aries Mars is trine Sibly’s Ascendant. This is much like Sibly as a whole is carrying a weapon. The Sabian symbol of that Mars is “a flock of wild geese.” This weapon reminds us of the legend that it was Juno’s geese that protected the Roman republic from the Gauls when they came to sack it the first time. When Neptune made its first conjunction to America’s Aries IC, the Democrats attempted to dissolve (Neptune) the American Union (IC) and they fired the first shot at Fort Sumter starting the Civil War (Aries). This sensitive spot is also the exact location of the Sun of another of America’s long standing creations, the Republican Party. America created the Republican Party with one purpose to end the tyranny of slavery. As an Aries Sun, it did so by fighting the dissolution of the Union.
Just as World War II was the reincarnation of World War I, America is about to replay the event of the Secession and Civil War. Whether it actually goes to war or not is not explicit. The event will be an attempt at Neptunian dissolution. Dissolution of the American Union will fail. The Republican Party’s first President promised three things in 1860, “Free Speech, Free Homes and Free Territory”. This slogan represented a reinvigoration of free speech, the Homestead Act granting land into private hands and the organization of the frontier into new territories (often the predecessor of new American states) would be free where slavery was not allowed. President Lincoln not only honored his promises but he went further and abolished slavery not only in the new territories but in every state in the Union. This is going to be a hard fight but, in the end, it will go harder for the defeated losers. At the end of the war, the largest Union veteran’s association was called the Grand (Sun) Army (Aries) of the Republic (America’s I.C.). All over the nation, officials especially in Democratic Party held areas have, by their own efforts, removed the monuments of their original second place trophies from the Civil War whose empty pedestals already stand ready for the statues of their new ones. The Lost (Neptune) Cause (Aries) transit is beginning again.