We have all watched a marching band in formation try a walk backward manoeuvre when one of the musicians goes down and from that point forward its a cascading collapse. It is unusual for that to actually happen because the drum major starts the collapse. Watching one of the telegram accounts of the Wagner Group today, the performance of the mercenary group walking backwards into Russia was seemingly flawless until Prigozhin made a deal with Putin and proceeded to ass plant somewhere south of Moscow. Details are still unclear on what exactly happened today but video shows a fight in Voronezh and the telegram account claims 12 Russian military pilots were killed attempting to stop Wagner’s forces. Just absorb that for one moment, only 12 Russians lost their lives trying to stop Wagner Group’s progress deep into Russia. Prigozhin has said his forces made it to within 200km (124 miles) of Moscow’s city center. Where were the masses of patriotic Russian military and civilians to stop them?
Coups are always exciting but unless they last at least 48 hours it really is a stupid idea to engage in one. Prigozhin has to have gotten a great deal for himself, if he can keep it. Airy promises. It may not even be Putin that slits his throat but one of the many military enemies he has made in the process of planning and attempting this coup. And his soldiers, some might not be so happy he made a deal.
Once upon a time, important military leaders and kings would consult astrologers. We can say definitively that Prigozhin in all of his planning did not consult an astrologer. Launching a military coup at the end of Pisces with Neptune on the Ascendant is not conducive to new beginnings but instead it is reading the last chapter. The Pisces zodiac sign is the end of the zodiac while its neighboring sign of Aries is the beginning. Starting a new venture under the rays of Pisces is a fool’s errand. The other possibility is this was the fog of war on steroids. Giving a mirrored and blurry effect that would allow all Russia to see their worst nightmare come to life in the simmering watery surface.
Even so, the Russian weakness was shown in the planning and movement of the military forces. With almost all of Russias forces behind him and his control of the logistical support of the entire Russian operations in Ukraine it is a wonder why he bothered to send a convoy to Moscow. Probably to keep the boys engaged in his farce. Still by the end of the day the entire effort had dissolved. That’s Neptune in action and the effect of that is Pisces. A double helping meant this wasn’t meant to last long but instead dissolve away.
The 7th house is open enemies and there we see Virgo, Pisces companion zodiac sign. His enemy would be the ruler of Virgo. The 0° Gemini Vesta is in the 2nd house. This Vesta is in their own estate or storehouse (2nd house). This is Sergei Shoigu, Russia’s defense minister. Looks like he has been enriching himself (30° Taurus) and now he had better start talking fast (0° Gemini). The first degree (0°) of a zodiac sign is also the last degree (30°) of the previous sign. It marks the moment that the previous sign reaches its furthest extent and causes the change to something new represented by the start of a new sign. Putin made himself out to be that enemy instead of the man Prigozhin was targeting. There Putin is the 0° Libra Ceres in close connection to Vesta. Putin was on his knees begging for a deal no matter his usual tough guy exterior. The wonder is what did Prigozhin really get. Now that he has tucked tail, will Putin honor the promises he made? Putin stopped him with air and not air as in air force. He talked himself out of the severe trouble he was in by diplomacy and negotiation. Libra. What are Putin’s words really worth? Ceres is about values and valuables. Worth. Wealth. Ceres.

These transit charts usually mean a great deal. The Russian Federation mundane chart suggests Russia is a 2° Virgo Moon. Ukraine has a 0° Virgo Sun. If these two nations were people, this aspect shows the classic marriage aspect. Ukraine would be the male and Russia the female. In the dark secret of an eclipse, the Sun and Moon plant a seed that will grow. The Wagner Start Announcement shows a 5° Virgo Moon. That seed will grow in secret but something today was planted between Ukraine and the Wagner Group.

The most obvious effect of the events today are opposition between the Russian Invasion Sun and Wagner Start Announcement Moon. Ukraine’s Sun opposes the Invasion Sun and the coup attempt also creates the obstacle to the Invasion Sun. Now that Putin has seen his vulnerability in southern Russia can he continue to commit all his soldiers to operations in Ukraine? Even pulling back some reserves will damage his position in Ukraine. And getting more soldiers might not be easy. The last attempt to conscript new soldiers resulted in massive riots and resistance. The Wagner Start Announcement shows the thrust of today’s event are dissolving (Pisces Ascendant) but marks that past reforms (Virgo Moon) will create a rejuvenated motherland (Cancer Sun conjunct Juno). That doesn’t mean this is commentary on the outcome of its war in Ukraine.
Prigozhin as a Pisces Neptune could be just letting Putin believe what he wants, maybe the whole operation was just 50 guys and chutzpah, but it is highly likely that he has reached the end of his chapter. I would not want to trust the agreement with Putin when he is so closely linked to a planet in Gemini. This is the zodiac sign most associated with lies. The Ceres representing Putin also holds a lot of power in the horoscope being closely linked to Vesta, Juno and the Sun. As the disillusioned Wagner musician who was happily marching along but found himself dusting off his pants had to say of his now disgraced drum major, “If you don’t have the eggs (balls) to go all the way, then you don’t need to start anything.” No worries, Prigozhin wasn’t starting anything as that would have been Aries. He stupidly chose to begin under a Pisces Ascendant with Neptune conjunct the Ascendant four minutes before the shift into Aries. This coup attempt wasn’t going anywhere. But as regards the PsyOp, that would be another story entirely.