Relationships between humans are inherently dangerous. Mankind is the apex predator on Earth and anyone looking for a relationship needs to first consider how they will neutralize the threat posed by the sought for other. Those having strong Aries placements are nodding sagely. Most of the rest are a bit puzzled. Shallow social occasions and outings, even dating a couple years, do not make a real relationship. A real relationship plumbs the depths and will at some point unleash the primal predator inside you and your significant other. That is when you had better already have considered how you will handle that and how bad it could get.
Kamisha Block, birth time unknown, was a Libra south node also making her an Aries north node. This Aries placement means she had a karmic path to become independent, become a warrior and stand on her own. She joined the army. Often Libra south nodes get in relationships young that they outgrow. They need to become an independent person and so they will sever relationship ties and leave the other person behind to fulfill their karmic path. This is healthy growth for an Aries north node. It is possible to maintain a relationship with an Aries north node but they have to be independent they can’t be held tight.
She had Venus squaring Pluto and her Sun was sandwiched in between Mars and Venus. Mars rules her north node and Venus rules her south node and these planets pulled her in both directions. A bit like an angel on each shoulder. Relationship versus independence. The Venus square Pluto is the unpleasant aspect. Relationships were potentially dangerous for her. She could attract dangerous men or she could play Pluto herself and prove dangerous herself to her lovers. In time, this wears thin. This aspect in the chart of an Aries north node really defines one of the processes of becoming an Aries. Kamisha when she engaged her Venus, such as when she was seeking to be attractive or by entering a relationship, would also engage Pluto, known for being controlling and manipulative. Better to be single (Aries) than together (Libra) with Pluto at his worst. Hence the Aries north node.
On August 16, 2007 while at an American military base, Camp Liberty, in Iraq, she was murdered by her boyfriend. Brandon Norris, birth time unknown, was a non-commissioned officer who had previously completed tours in Iraq. He was a Libra north node, Aries south node. His karmic path was to participate in relationships, become diplomatic and charming, and partner with another person. He also had joined the army but this represented his Aries south node. His north node was ruled by his Pisces Venus. Lost love.
There are karmic aspects between them. Kamisha’s Aries Jupiter was conjunct Brandon’s Aries south node and Aries Chiron. This Chiron placement shows an old unhealed wound related to his past. This indicates she was formerly a teacher or mentor to him. Kamisha was ten years younger but she was already strongly pursuing her Aries north node. His Sagittarius Neptune was conjunct her Sagittarius Saturn and trine her Leo Sun. That Neptune means he idealized her and simultaneously sought to dissolve her boundaries. Her Scorpio Pluto was probably conjunct his Scorpio Moon. He was stuck.
From what can be seen without his birthtime, his horoscope shows a man who needed a very deep relationship with Kamisha. Her independence and ability to abandon the relationship was very threatening to him and as a wounded Aries south node he was also a very dangerous predator. Brandon was an old veteran warrior, Aries south node. He had traveled that karmic path for so long he wasn’t walking it anymore but it was so familiar to him he could retrace his steps with his eyes closed. Kamisha was a warrior in training, Aries north node. As a young warrior, she was bold. In the old Roman tactical system, Kamisha would have been one of the young brash warriors in the front line of attack. Behind her would be soldiers who had seen battle and didn’t believe they were invincible anymore and behind those were the veterans, this would be Brandon’s line, who when the first and second groups broke would hold the field or lose the republic.
It appears Kamisha may have ended the relationship. The military itself was taking steps to end the relationship. This is why relationships are very dangerous. No matter how logical it appears that no one should kill or harm their intimate partner one person can form an attachment that defies logic. Brandon needed Kamisha and no matter how unfair that was to her and her family that was his reality. He killed her and himself rather than let her go.

Pluto is trine four planets at the time of the attack. Pluto rules the dead and when he shows up he has control over his own subjects. A trine aspect is an easy flow of energy. Pluto was unopposed. In the 8th house, Pluto’s natural house, there is Saturn, Brandon Norris, and Venus, Kamisha Block. I have placed the event chart at 5:38 p.m. to show the trailer where she lived as the 8th house. This is Pluto’s natural house, the house of transformation and death. Just outside the 8th house is Mercury, Kamisha’s roommate, and the Sun. When the roommate responded to hearing gunshots she openned the door. Kamisha was still unharmed because he had shot the wall. Although the accounts vary, the roommate stated Brandon shot at her. The astrological chronicle says she exposed and shed light on what he was doing. This could literally mean the setting sun partially blinded him causing him to miss her but it also could mean he knew he was exposed and this was the moment he realized it was over and he decided to take Kamisha’s life and his own.
Previously, Kamisha had written her mom “I have earned something within myself, and that is something that can never be taken away from me.” That is the statement of an Aries north node. She had found her independence but Brandon couldn’t let her exercise it.