Astrology is a glimpse of the inside of a forge. A tiny infant is born and in that moment they can find themselves at the center of the maelstrom where they are pushed and pulled, hammered and refined until they emerge a new creation. Anyone who has a 0° planet or point finds themselves in this fiery maelstrom. The 0° is also the 30° of the previous zodiac sign. This is about the moment of transformation.
Diana Wales had an unbelievable legacy of wealth. This isn’t about money. From her aristocratic pedigree, her marriage to the heir to the throne, her incredible attractiveness, her revival of the ancient custom of the royal touch, and her archcelebrity, she had everything she could desire in a resource sense. Her royal legacy, her mantle has not been donned since her death. The Royal Family was never comfortable with Diana’s revival of ancient monarchy. For all their tradition, they live an 18th century and therefore fairly modern life. Diana brought back ancient privilege and related to her subjects in the ancient manner and the common people loved her for it. She played for hearts. The Royal Family continually rejected this style of monarchy. With each rejection they demonstrated over and over that they have no visceral attachment to England’s oldest customs. Imperialists who still haven’t quite come to terms with the loss of empire. Englishmen and women who haven’t quite stopped being German. The British people like the Royal Family for the most part but they loved Diana, their English princess. She laid her hands on them especially the most sick. If she said it was necessary, she could have called an army to defend the kingdom. She was obviously the reincarnation of many of England’s former warrior kings. She was quintessentially English and this complete understanding of Angloness made her an Ambassador to the world for the English. Charles failure to love her was his failure to love them.
Meghan Markle understood and has tried to pick up Diana’s mantle. She ultimately will fail as she is not Diana’s true heir. She isn’t even English. Meghan understands Diana’s effect but not the cause. Her husband isn’t Diana’s heir either. Prince William was born to be King. His bright, shining Sun lays in the zodiac at 0° Cancer Sun or 30° Gemini. This threshold moment shows Wills would go from shining as a twin (Gemini) Prince to shining as the child of his mother (Cancer). Diana Wales brought forward over a thousand years of monarchical wealth for one purpose, she taught the King who will create the future English monarchy.

Meghan Markle has a 0° Libra Vesta that lies in Harry Sussex’s 8th house. Vesta rules thresholds and is the sacred fire. Her intimate partnership with Prince Harry has pushed him into a foreign land represented by the 9th house and caused him to destroy his own relationship with his brother for his wife. Harry Sussex has a 0° Scorpio Pluto in the 9th house exactly conjunct William’s retrograde 0° Scorpio Jupiter. This synastric dance puts Jupiter, the king-priest planet, in the deepest maelstrom with Harry surrounding William with the intensity of Pluto and Meghan feeding that intensity. This is the forcing element transforming William.
Astrologers have made a great study of Solar Saros 117 or 2 Old North, the eclipse series ending on August 3, 2054. Prince William was born on the day of one of these eclipses. This series is associated with Ecgberht, King of Wessex who took a very successful stab at conquering England. Therefore, some astrologers think Prince William will be the last King. Not so fast. There were kings before this series. The zodiac sign Leo isn’t about to fall out of the sky.

There is no love loss from me on the end of monarchy. Spending hours trying to prove an ancestral descent from one of the regicides who fled to America is my on again, off again hobby. They lived side by side with my family and what red blooded American wouldn’t be proud that their family, even before the Revolution, didn’t fear the King of England and would stand against a tyrannical despot. As an amateur karmic astrologer, it is deep appreciation for the potency of contrast with Aquarius and my American appreciation of not having to foot the bill that keeps me dispassionate about the whole business.
Was Saros Series 117 about monarchy? It was a 7° Leo Ascendant but it’s very important North Node was 20° Gemini. If the Sun is the tip of a sewing needle and (for the 117 Saros Series) the Node Node is the seam, each eclipse is the sun pulling the thread through the seam disappearing briefly before it reappears for the next regular stitch. In an eclipse, the Sun, Moon and one side of the Moon’s Nodes are the important actors. The Sabian symbol for 20° Gemini is “a modern cafeteria displays an abundance of food, products of various regions.” British Empire. Gemini ruled by Mercury. As in the commerce, merchandise and commercial. British goods, “the nation of shopkeepers”. If anything is going away, it’s might be the United Kingdom as the last vestige of empire. The Royal Family has been preparing for this moment since they renamed themselves Windsor.

For you monarchists out there, take heart when Saros cycles “end” they are replaced. Saros 157 is waiting in the wings and will step right in for Saros 117 on King William’s 76th birthday, June 21, 2058. Now a 9° Aries Ascendant with 15° Gemini North Node conjunct Neptune. The Sabian symbol for 15° Gemini is “two Dutch children talking to each other, exchanging their knowledge.” This looks like an alliance and special friendship. As much as an abdication of the King so the United Kingdom could become the 51-54 states of the United States would be an interesting outcome, it appears there is equality of two nations in close cooperation. Maybe the UK and USA or maybe England and Scotland? The monarchy looks pretty safe with Venus back in Leo once again and trining the ascendant.

Prince William is the son of Diana, namesake of the goddess of the Moon. Neptune is conjunct his Ascendant. If Saros 157 is to determine the fortunes of England then William will be suited to setting it off on its new Gemini Neptunian path. It seems naval power and trade will become England’s major pursuit. He was born to bring ancient monarchy back and, if he is King when Saros 157 begins, he will set the new mold of a more muscular Aries nation. Jupiter is rising in this new series. William learned kingship (Jupiter) at the feet of Diana, a Sagittarius Ascendant. He learned empire (Saturn) at the feet of his grandmother, Elizabeth, a Capricorn Ascendant. Gemini as goddess is opposite Sagittarius as god. Two human likenesses of the goddess prepared him to be the Once and Future King.