One hundred and thirty children were led out of town and disappeared. The frantic mothers ran to all the surrounding towns and asked after the children and no trace was ever found. This has baffled historians and wild theories have abounded on how this could have occurred. Children are easily seduced to follow music and bells and tragically have been abducted, molested or killed because they are attracted to bright colors, music and the temptation of a treat. Ice cream truck and abduction will bring up articles across the country on how this trick is used to seduce children and draw them to a predator.
It is highly likely the pied piper intended to abduct as many children as possible so he could obtain revenge. The oldest record of the event was a stained glass window in a church within the memory of the event. Although the window is gone, a painting was made of it. It clearly shows two events; the piper in a boat drawing rats into the river and the piper leading the children out of town and to a cave in a hill. The first source written one hundred years after the event described the piper as a handsome man thirty years of age, very well dressed and he played a silver pipe. Where did the obvious wealth of the piper come from? Anyone who feeds animals can train them to answer a call. After the extermination of the rats, the townspeople refused to pay him. They used excuses and gave him the run around and Grimm says he finally went away bitter and angry. This man had not come initially for the children to do them harm. His motive was to make money. He earned a good living before he came to Hameln. As a thirty year old man and for years on either side, he would have had a Scorpio Pluto, Cancer Neptune and Pisces Uranus in his birth chart. This is a lot of water which represents emotion.
He came back on Saint John’s and Saint Paul’s Day and he was wearing hunters clothes with a “strange red hat”. He had been scouting around the town and the time had come to collect his revenge. He entered in from the western bridges and began to walk the streets of the town playing his pipe. Grimm says it was 7 o’clock. The children began following him, some as young as four. The adults were at church and would have engaged in a vigil the night before the feast day. A babysitter observed what was happening and started to follow at a distance carrying a child. The children were last seen walking on a road near the East Gate following the piper. The babysitter appears to have followed for awhile but went back to rouse the town. One hundred and thirty children including four year olds did not walk far. There is a hill just outside the town less than two miles from the gate. They passed the place of execution. Two children came back after lagging behind; one was blind and the other was mute. Between them they pointed out the place and told them what had happened. A possible third boy had lost his jacket and had gone back for it and was able to tell them about the cave.
When the parents heard they ran to the East Gate and within the hour sent messengers to each town asking after the children. No one ever saw any of them again. They were all gone. There was no ransom. There were no bodies. They were seduced by the music, left the town and disappeared. One account says when the women began to look for the children they heard the piper and he told them he would return in three hundred years and take more children.

The astrological chronicle is faithful to the accounts that have come down to us. There is more detail. The piper is represented by the Sun in the horoscope of the beginning of the event. The 11° Cancer Sun is on the Sabian symbol “a clown making grimaces.” He was attracting children but couldn’t disguise his intentions. This is a feast day and the piper knew he had only a limited time to get the children out of town. He must have found a place in the mountain closest to the town and prepared his trap. The adults were at the church and the children had been left home.
The piper appears to have a group of children following him by 7:35. Around 8:15, they left the town proper and may have taken a bit of a break because he takes off his hat. At 9:20, he reaches the place of execution with the mob of children straggling behind him. At 10:13, the children reach the mountain cave.

The 10:13 horoscope or soon after is the most probable time for the burial of the children. They are likely killed by the debris slide. On this day there is a Pluto opposition, this particular opposition is complicit in disasters where debris slides down and is often associated with being buried alive in line with the myth of the god Pluto who takes the living down, specifically Persephone or Proserpina, to Hades. Neptune is conjunct the Ascendant in Virgo. Virgo is mutable earth. This strongly suggests that the piper triggered some sort of rock slide. They are killed deliberately; the Virgo Mars is square Proserpina and this creates a Thor’s Hammer chart pattern with the Capricorn Pluto Saturn opposition Cancer Uranus as the release points.

At 11:17, the babysitter who followed has become the main focus of the event. This is the likely time she arrived back in town. She is the 8° Leo Venus whose Sabian symbol is “a Bolshevik propagandist”. She is trying to spread her message but it is slow to reach the parents. The townspeople are no longer together at the church. There is a trine between the Leo Venus and the Sagittarius Moon but it is only 12:05 that she seems to be able to relate the story of the abduction of the children to the parents. There is reason to believe the piper was not killed. By the time she is telling them what she saw, the piper was in the 9th house and starting a new journey. The parents reach the gates and retrace the steps of the children. The piper taunts them from the mountain by telling them he will return in 300 years to take more children. The saddest image is the fathers; there at retrograde 20° Sagittarius Jupiter the Sabian symbol is “men cutting through ice”. This universal symbol is described by men hunched over a long tool working together in a regular pattern. They knew where the children were and they tried to unearth them.
This event is the mass murder of 130 children by a sociopath. The taunting of the mothers afterward suggests he got away and the horoscope suggests the same is true. Although they have never found the children, they are buried there at Hameln probably at the place called Basberg or the hills that it is immediately part of. They didn’t get away. By the time their parents even knew what had occurred, they were already dead and buried by the piper.