A royal prince and the commoner. The archetype that launched a thousand romance novels. The zodiac sign Libra is concerned with balance. The archetype of Libra is the reflection of the other. This means a royal prince who marries a commoner will become common and the common bride will become royal. A wedding horoscope that takes place in Libra is about equalizing the individuals. The Royal Wedding horoscope’s Ascendant is in Libra. In a marriage made in Libra, both individuals must be willing to average with the other. High status individuals who will resent a decline in status would be better suited to marry under Taurus/Scorpio or a zodiac sign that suits the couples individual paths. Charles was and still is heir to the throne. He does not have the common touch and his descent toward the masses was not a mantle he embraced or wore well.

Elected Chart?
The wedding ceremony began at 11 am. At that moment, the glyph of the Titanomachy (ђ♃) was conjunct the Ascendant square Mars on the Midheaven. Thirty-eight minutes later when they said their vows this alignment was still dominant in the heavens but no longer completely bound in the seams of the marriage. Charles and Diana’s marriage was part of the Titanomachy also known as the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. Great Conjunctions happen approximately every twenty years and symbolize the overthrow of the previous rulership. Jupiter brings in new beliefs that overcome Saturn’s disciplined system. Charles and Diana’s marriage was part of the new Jupiterian beliefs. Diana, a Sagittarius Ascendent, really clashed with the Saturnian Elizabethan Royal Family and court. Charles, whose sole focus has been to support his mother, found this war was his marriage.
War is Libra. Warriors are Aries but when they engage another, together, they become Libra. The figure of Lady Justice is a woman with blindfold on, scales held forward in one hand, and a sword pointed down held in the other. A Libran marriage is only good for two evenly matched individuals. An unbalanced couple will find a Libran marriage intolerable as it easily devolves into war.
Charles and Diana’s marriage Juno is 26° Libra; the Sabian symbol is “an eagle and a large white dove change into each other”. Juno is the goddess of marriage. A war eagle and a peace dove with each partner at times playing each role. Sometimes people release doves at weddings but no one releases doves and eagles together. The eagle will kill and eat the dove. This was the interplay between Charles and Diana. To add further horror, Pluto is loosely conjunct Juno and both are in the 1st house. Pluto rules the dead and the first house represents battlefields. This was no fairytale unless you like the old German ones that resemble horror stories.
This chart was probably karmically chosen meaning Charles and Diana arranged the time to suit the roles they were playing. Their marriage was greater than them and had a purpose beyond forming a single family. Together they were working on ancient karma. The horoscope suggests a former rivalry to become the King. Since this is the Royal Family, this karma may even be from the War of the Roses. In her final turn as the war eagle in the Panorama interview, Diana said she knew the character (Prince Charles) and the top job would bring enormous limitations and she doubted if he could adapt to it. In this Libran marriage, Diana not being Queen meant she doubted and, if Martin Bashir can be believed, thought Charles was unfit to be King. Scales climbing and descending until balance is achieved. The greater weight descending with the lesser ascending. Adding burdensome weight to the lesser to balance the scales. Libra. Inbalance in action.
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