Every once in awhile you come across something that really sings to you. A passage in a book, the colors of a painting, the fine curve of a line in a drawing. It’s a moment when you decipher a marvel. Mercury conjunct Neptune.
Recently, I have been watching and listening to podcasts. One of them is hosted by a somewhat neurotic Brit and his content is hit or miss with me but some of the guests mentioned this other podcaster and I decided to give his six hour podcasts a chance. This became my go to podcast.

The host, Shawn Ryan, former SEAL and CIA contractor, has a ritual that begins each interview. They chat and he starts to introduce his question usually about where they grew up. They begin to follow his lead. I would say this ritual is akin to Alice following the White Rabbit and falling down his rabbit hole into Wonderland. There Shawn stops them and gives them a gift, usually of gummy bears although he is not adverse to a gift of mushrooms. This is when the interviewee receives the “Eat me” cake and grows to enormous size. In the movie, these cakes are made of “two cups of flower, one cup of sugar, a pinch of fungus, worm fat, tongue of a blowfish, pinch of thyme, three coins from a dead mans pocket, and two tablespoons of wishful thinking”. Made with the cleanest ingredients…now you know why, those coins are from a dead man and the worms shouldn’t be harvested from a graveyard. Shawn then follows by a question from his dues paying subscribers and then launches into a major listening session about whatever it is that made him want to interview them and finalizes with questions about their spiritual journey. He’s a Christian but not a churchy one.

Deciphering Neptune is like finding the detritus of a shipwreck and beginning to raise the ship from the depths. The Show Venus opposing my natal Moon means the Show goes one way and I the other. Both planets reside in their respective third houses. Where the Show Libra Venus is more motivated to pursue justice, my Aries Moon wants to pursue brute force. So how does deciphering Neptune lead to these conclusions? The Show is examining a very particular ship from the depths, the Bacchanalia, the mystery and rituals of corrupt pleasure and power.
The Bacchanalia almost caused Rome to fall five hundred years into its history. The Bacchanalia was the rites dedicated to Bacchus, the Roman version of the Greek Dionysus, god of wine. The Roman elites had become so corrupt with their underworld wine feasts sharing power, sex, and all things taboo allowing them to maintain a secret, corrupt club that almost brought the empire down in 186 BC. Writing hundreds of years after the event, Livy said that 7,000 cult leaders and followers were arrested and killed. The scandal purported to include the violent sexual initiation of both sexes and all ages.
The Maenads were associated with the Greek cult rites. Frenzied drunk dancing women who culminated the festivals in tearing a bull apart with their bare hands and eating its flesh and drinking his blood. A communion of flesh and blood that symbolized the god’s body and blood. They were then considered to have become possessed by Dionysus. Reformed by the Roman Senate in 186 BC, Rome dodged the Bacchanalia bullet but fell in 410 AD when it couldn’t dodge the bullet of the Last Supper. After a thousand years of strength and just forty years after Christianity formally took over the the most powerful Empire to ever exist, its greatest city lay in ashes and ruin.
The profane Last Supper of the Olympiad XXXIII (Paris 2024) Opening Ceremonies had a drag queen show depicting woman filled with hormones that allowed them to grow beards and effeminate men dressed in half skirts the better to see the outline of the male genitalia on figures that resembled a woman. Children also walked in this pompous fashion show. Was this innocence at the Bacchanalia? No, there are no innocents at such a place only victims. The media screamed no, no it wasn’t the Last Supper it was the Feast of Dionysus. The Olympic officials couldn’t get their stories straight. No worries, coins of the ancients link the god of the Jews with Bacchus.
Two hundred years before Jesus was born, Bacchus followers took part in a feast where they ate flesh and blood that represented his body and blood. Jesus didn’t clear anything up when his first miracle was to change water into wine.
The Crossroads
I am no longer a Christian but I was a serious, believing adherent of that religion for close to forty years. I have read the Bible from cover to cover more than three times. I studied it constantly and went to religious studies and meetings multiple times weekly. I joined and escaped from a Christian cult. I know Christianity not just from within but now from without. There are roads that take you to the grandest truths in that religion but there are also false turns, and excesses.
This is the religion that teaches its adherents a system that will ultimately lead them to amazing spiritual wealth. Store your treasure in heaven. If you are Christian, you might not take this as seriously as you should. Charity is the f-ing bomb. If you follow this one tenet, you are writing your own ticket for the FUTURE. Yet, this is also the religion where infants are born sinful and deserving of death by the judgment of God from the moment they take their first breath. Christians are put in the moral position of opposing abortion while worshipping a God who has told them infants deserve death.
Christianity is a religion of Pisces. It describes a time when Satan and his demons have been tossed out of heaven to roam the earth. Got that. The Christian apology for their tolerance of evil. Satan is roaming the earth. Jesus life and ministry is all about the crossroads. The crossroads is the intersection of material and spiritual realities where spiritual evil has materially manifested. In other words, hell’s breaking loose on earth.
Christ was crucified. He died on a cross. In astrology, the Grand Cross is when four planets oppose each other at 90° angles. The Grand Cross is about discipline and sacrifice. You can have anything you want, you just can’t have everything you want. You will sacrifice one to obtain the other. Princess Margaret, Queen Elizabeth II’s sister, had a Grand Cross in her natal chart. She could have the man she loved or she could be a royal princess but she couldn’t have it all. She had to choose one to sacrifice. Jesus hung on that cross and sacrificed his human life for his godhead. He sacrificed the material for the spiritual and in doing so he told his followers to lay their hands down. Understand. Christians aren’t supposed to take material actions only spiritual ones. Turn that cheek.
In Christianity, hell and hell’s horror has broken loose on earth and Christians are supposed to turn the other cheek. Spiritual lions but material milchtoast. As a Piscean religion, its travails are illustrated by the transits of Neptune. Boundaryless Neptune. Victims. Prisoners. Drug addicts. Mental patients. All the stigmatized people, the ones we shove away like things we store away in the attic. Stigmata. The mark of the nails on Christ’s hands and feet. Want to know why the world is seeing these Neptunian folks all over in every country, look no further than the Pisces Neptune transit that is coming to an end in 2025. When Christ is in hell, it is undergoing its harrowing. They have to go somewhere and onto the streets they spill.
The Shawn Ryan Show features a lot of content about this very topic. There is this three part interview with a man whose last name is Marx who endured a hellacious childhood whose stepfather married his mother so he could sexually traffic her four gradeschool children. This sadistic stepfather was not only a pedophile he was engaged in organized pedophilia with numerous other people. Mr. Marx has now become a Christian pastor who uses his military training to rescue and minister to children.
Discipline requires fortitude and it is often a sign of moral weakness when you look the other way when confronted with something difficult and so I watched these episodes even though I would have preferred to live in blissful ignorance. This story is enraging. At one point, this grown man visits the rapist who is now old and crippled and the step pedo tries to intimidate him. Mr. Marx hears a voice he attributes to his conscience or his god that he should give him money and he gives the rapist $100 because he believes forgiveness is a virtue. To this, the pedophile tells him he didn’t know how he was going to eat that night. The Christian God steps in to save the pedophile from hunger but not the life and innocence of the child that is raped in the jungle and chopped into pieces with a machete in front of a video camera also a story in this interview. There is more to come, the rapist on his deathbed believes he is forgiven by god. Confronting again how the Christian religion is an apology for pedophiles suffuses me with a white hot rage.
As for Constantinus …when he caught sight of Pleasure, who was not far off, he ran to her. She received him tenderly and embraced him, then after dressing him in raiment of many colours and otherwise making him beautiful, she led him away to Perdition. There too he found Jesus, who had taken up his abode with her and cried aloud to all comers: “He that is a seducer, he that is a murderer, he that is sacrilegious and infamous, let him approach without fear! For with this water will I wash him and will straightaway make him clean. And though he should be guilty of those same sins a second time, let him but smite his breast and beat his head and I will make him clean again.”” – Emperor Julian the Apostate, The Caesars
This, this is the religion that stopped the Romans, and the Northmen. As the men became sheep, the filthy pedos entered the highest ranks of the clergy and, under the banner of god, exploited children in every nation where they find themselves. Lay those hands down, ya hear. Reducing the strongest among us to become the enablers of the horrors of hell. Who will stop it, if not the strong men?
The archetype Mr. Marx described in his story suggests that somewhere in his reincarnational past he was taken advantage of by the soul of the rapist. I think this giving him money to eat was a reversal of the karma of the past. Without seeing the astrological charts, I don’t know exactly what happened but I suspect this was a ritual that may have broken the “generational curse” that the men spoke about. Mr. Marx has gone on to ignore several pacifist elements of Christianity to conduct a remarkable mission to save children from abuse.
Astrology of Shawn Ryan, The White Rabbit as a Herald
The White Rabbit is present to call forth the characters and story. Shawn Ryan takes on the role of Mercury in the Shawn Ryan Show. Deciphering the clues, and reading the evidence of the shipwreck. The 13° Sagittarius Mercury Sabian symbol is “a widow’s past brought to light” and it is square, a conflict relationship, with the retrograde 13° Pisces Neptune “a sword in a museum.” An ancient weapon is being brought to the surface. Shawn is raising very old trauma. This sword lies in the eighth house of hell itself. This relationship isn’t going to be an easy one. What will he find and does he really want to know?

I have taken quite a few steps to reduce the ability for anyone to obtain more information from this chart than Shawn has already revealed himself. The Moon has been completely removed. The rectification was based on a particular fact that he spoke about and is just an estimate of when he was born. I am not the best at rectification so it is more than possible he is not a Virgo Ascendant. I like this Ascendant for him because the Aquarius Vesta would rule the chart and drive him through the Ascendant to materialize trauma.
Shawn said he had looked into astrology at one point. He seems to have rejected or left it behind as he has pursued his Christian journey. Astrology is not really a religion. But neither astrology nor any religion is anything other than a collection of knowledge that might be clues on a spiritual journey. Astrology is just a clock telling us the time.
The quest for the darkness of Scorpio, Scorpio Jupiter, is present in Shawn’s chart. The Bacchanalia and the archetype of Satan being thrown down to earth have to be understood before they can be addressed. The Christian crossroads is a type of altar. Places where the two realities, spiritual and material, meet are always altars. Altars are thresholds. Virgoan ritual itself takes place at an altar. The greatest altar in astrology is the Ascendant. That is where the warrior stands up. Often the battlefield is a particular type of threshold where spiritual evil is materially manifesting. The threshold is broken and warriors are sent in to seal the breach between those two realities and rebuild the threshold pushing the spiritual evil back.
This earth is both heaven and hell. It is what we make of it. As the herald, Shawn says the message and calls the shipwreck ever closer to the surface. The silver sword he is focused on is double edged. Is Christianity a profound expression of care and nurturing to lost souls or a profane expression of the tolerance of evil and escape of accountability? Seeking Bacchus he may just be very surprised at what he finds. The ancients believed that Bacchus and god of the Jews were one and the same.
Postscript 11/21/24 This week Shawn Ryan divulged his birthday on his podcast. He also believes he can manifest his ideas and believed that his proposal to his now wife was an example when he wanted the northern lights to appear for his proposal. Manifestation lies in the archetype of Virgo. Mutable earth. Manifesting his ideas, Aquarius’ fixed thoughts are the tools making Vesta’s mutable earth. Shawn’s thoughts are the tools Vesta is using to sculpt his world.
It is too bad he did not divulge his birth time as his karma could be explored. His twelfth house would hold the best clues.