The clothes were bespoke, the marriage wasn’t. It was revenge, pure and simple. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. The Kennedy curse is not so much a curse as the family deliberately painting with Scorpio and suffering the consequences of the messes they make. Carolyn Bessette had a karmic motive. For a lady known for her fashion sense, she ended up with an ill-fitting marriage. We may never know what really went on behind the scenes but there are ample signs that Carolyn knew JFK Jr. was not a good partner for her. When he asked her to marry him, she didn’t say yes. She didn’t like him when he was around his family or the favors he did for others. As a 12th house Sun and a Cancer Moon, she was desperate for privacy and you don’t marry someone that famous if you expect privacy. John proposed and unless he was as dumb as a post he should have known he wasn’t equipped to satisfy her requirements for a husband. So why did she say yes?

They were married on September 21, 1996 around dusk on Cumberland Island in Georgia. It was primitive as befits a wedding with an Aries Ascendant. The little clapboard church had no electricity and the ceremony was lit with candles and a flashlight. It was kept secret and only a few people attended. From the dim pictures, you can see the guests sitting in plastic chairs and the derelict house beside the church has been carefully left out. This was not a Kennedy show wedding. Carolyn Bessette is firmly in charge and she chose a plain, poor church. This was most assuredly a picture of the marriage. There was some beauty but the Kennedys have no prestige or power here. One account says she made them wait for over two hours for her. John Jr. seems to have been too besotted to recognize her supreme contempt. The 30° Scorpio Pluto “the Halloween jester” is present. Carolyn is playing a trick on them all.

Saying Yes, Marilyn’s Revenge
Carolyn Bessette said yes. The clue is the Grand Water Trine in both horoscopes. Marilyn Monroe and Carolyn Bessette share a 20-21° Grand Water Trine and a Sun-South Node conjunction. Carolyn Bessette’s horoscope finishes Marilyn’s story. When she died, Marilyn was furious. Usually, souls seem to reincarnate after a dozen or more years, Marilyn reincarnated in less than four as Carolyn Bessette.

Carolyn has a stellium in the first house and this place is the battlefield. She was born ready for a fight. As a 12th house Sun, she has incarnated as the secret enemy. Marilyn had returned for revenge and she was prepared to take down the Kennedys. She destroyed John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s heir. We may never know exactly how JFK had injured her but she would not bear his son an heir. Denial of a heir and the end of JFK’s direct male line suggest the loss of a child. When the god of the Bible was jealous, he would visit punishment as a curse on the third and fourth generation before he would relent. The Kennedys had best hope Marilyn is more forgiving because even if this started with JFK’s father, Joe Kennedy, there may be at least one more generation to suffer her wrath.