The long lost love. Deep at the heart of the Venus Neptune relationship lies the mystical soul mate. The missing person that must exist somewhere. This yearning of the heart is the distant echo of a long lost love. The tragedy of the Venus Neptunian relationship is that love is really lost. The cold waters of reality lap periously close in this relationship. Those with the easy aspects; sextiles and trines may find it easy to overlook the tragedy. For all the rest, the realization that the fantasy can be attained but never realized is present. Imagine finding your soulmate, meeting, falling in love, and realizing that your soulmate can never be the long lost love you are deeply missing. That love was lost on the journey to its faint echo in your heart. Neptune dissolves and love affairs of the past do not ever arrive into the present without an airbrushed quality. Your romantic shipwreck awaits. By keeping that lost love alive and refusing to accept its loss you planted a need to replay it. Once you are plunged into the cold waters of reality then you will have a chance to confront the loss inherent in the fantasy.

Victoria Beckham has the glyph of the quest for love. She has a Pisces Venus Jupiter conjunction and, if her astrodienst recorded birth time is correct, it straddles her Midheaven. Her very public quest for love has one fly in the ointment. Her Neptune squares this glyph. This ultimately shows that her fantasy love quest would be satisfied but the square shows the tension inherent that would keep her from realizing the actual dream. The shipwreck of her fantasy is woven into her chart. She has a fairytale romance but does she appreciate what she has or instead does she feel the loss of it not matching her fantasy. This unfolding tragedy is how the Venus Neptune relationship evolves over time. Imagine meeting prince after prince each engaging in a romantic and beautiful love story only to yearn for the previous prince just as the next appears. That is Neptune in a relationship yearning for what was lost.
David Beckham is Victoria Beckham current prince. He activates Victoria’s love quest. He is her soulmate, the one she has been looking to find. His Sun is sextile her Pisces Venus Jupiter conjunction while his Neptune squares the same glyph. His Mars Vesta conjunction is linked to her Venus Jupiter conjunction. After a long term marriage, she has probably long since discovered that her soul mate and David Beckham might have a resemblance but she has needed to let go of some of her illusions and feel that loss to enjoy the practical fairytale she now has. David Beckham’s Gemini Venus is conjunct Victoria Beckham’s south node in her 12th house and he has retrograde Neptune in his 7th house. He came prepared to play the former lover part in the play but he carried the energy to also ground this fiery fantasy of Victoria’s. His Taurus Sun, Capricorn Moon and Taurus Ascendant are all earth signs. His Saturn conjuncts her Ascendant. Time (Saturn) for Victoria (Ascendant) to grow up. Fairytales are for children.
The illusory nature of Neptune in the Venus Neptune relationship comes from its mystical connection through time. Neptune is the former lover, the ancient love. That lover no longer exists but instead you have a new lover who may or may not have some of the traits of the past. The idea of that lost love regained is the power of mysticism the Venus Neptune relationship conjures. Ultimately though, that love is lost and it can never be regained. Learning to enjoy the relationship you have and appreciate its starring prince or princess is how you unlock the fairytale elements of the Venus Neptune aspect. Replaying the past will occur.
The Beckhams have a solid marriage that has been bedeviled by rumours of sexual indiscretions on the part of David. While those may or may not have any basis, this scenario likely lies behind why Victoria came into this life with an incapacity to confront an old loss. Her Aries Mercury in the 10th house is trine her retrograde Sagittarius Neptune in the 6th. Sex (Aries) rumours (Mercury) in public (10th house). Past (retrograde) foreign (Sagittarius) fantasy lover’s (Neptune) day to day (6th house). The one that probably hurt the fantasy the most was the story of the personal assistant who was in David Beckham’s day to day life. Whether or not there was an affair, that was the one calculated to light up Victoria’s Mercury trine Neptune aspect. David’s Aries Jupiter is conjunct her Mercury. His independent questing in Madrid would connect to her fantasy. A trine is a free flowing aspect often seen as easy but its easy in the sense that it facilitates what happens. Rumors running rampant is trinal energy at play. There is nothing to stop their easy flow.

The Beckham’s wedding chart displays the energy they were seeking to imbue into their partnership. Resurrecting a past relationship is shown in the Pisces Moon while the Cancer Sun is family focused. The Scorpio Ascendant suggested an unequal partnership better able to navigate and withstand the changing tides of their careers. This was a marriage that was not created equal. The all important Neptune is in a pattern with the Pisces Moon and the Leo Midheaven. Playing out publically the past fairytale romance is central to the marriage.
David Beckham is represented as the retrograde Sagittarius Pluto and Victoria is the Leo Mercury in the 9th conjunct the north node opposing retrograde Neptune. There at the foundation of the marriage is the retrograde Aquarius Neptune, south node and retrograde Uranus. Victoria replaying (retrograde) the trauma (Aquarius Uranus) of a lost fantasy (retrograde Neptune) and becoming more fact driven (Mercury) is intrinsically linked to the purpose of the marriage (north node). Victoria Beckham’s Venus square Neptune is in a waxing postion. She is closing in on ending her need to replay a past loss. David Beckham’s position as the retrograde Sagittarius Pluto is ruled by a threhold 0° Taurus (also 30° Aries). He is on the threhold of this change as well.
David Beckham may be Victoria’s long lost love and soulmate but you can never attain the fantasy. It will always have the bittersweet taste of tragedy even if it looks like a fairytale. The romantic shipwreck.