Becoming the one who knows is the shamanic journey. This is Sagittarius. It could be a vision quest, dream walking, sleuthing, questing or anything of that ilk. The axis of Sagittarius-Gemini is about information. Distilled down to boring. No matter the description, Gemini and Sagittarius are the antithesis of boring. The axis of Sagittarius-Gemini is about meaning and the well of passion and commitment to discovery of truth that meaning creates in us.
Indiana Jones is animated by Gemini and Sagittarius. He starts in Gemini following facts masquerading as clues, then becomes Sagittarius by flying all over the world, daring snakes, angry ex-lovers and Nazis to ultimately find the Ark of the Covenant, with an ultimate quest to stop Hitler. At the end of the day, the prized and sought after mystical Ark ends up in as just another crate in a U.S. government warehouse. After all that adventure, that which was quintessential Sagittarius becomes Gemini. My mother absolutely hated that ending. She had a stellium in Gemini and she didn’t believe the ending. It was too prosaic.
Most quests aren’t that dramatic. The search for meaning can take many forms. The contents of your 9th house will tell you a lot about how you define meaning.
Sagittarius is a lot harder to capture than the other zodiac signs. I didn’t seem to just catch him and so I began to seek him. Often when I thought I had found him, I was left slapped in the face by the tail of the Centaur. Here is a Sagittarian moment but no one recorded the time or even a clue when it occurred. Gemini where are you when we need you. The one who knows often isn’t known at all, he is just a blur on the way to his next adventure. This is also why you have to quest to re-find things, Sagittarius creates future mysteries and quests as he goes. He leaves a trace but not much more.

On November 26, 1922 at “about 2 pm”, in the Valley of the Kings in Luxor, Egypt, Howard Carter peered into King Tutankhamun’s antechamber. He saw wonderful things and then he made the hole larger so Lord Carnarvon could see in as well. This was the first glimpse of the grand discovery. Normally, I would look to the ascendant ruler to find the protagonist of the story and I expected to find Howard Carter but here it was very clear that Howard Carter is the Sagittarus Venus and Lord Carnarvon is the Sagittarius Pallas. Then who is the protagonist of this event?
Tutankhamun’s Curse?
This is strange. Who is Mars? What do we know about him? He is in the 11th house with Tutankhamun and opposing Neptune in the 5th. Carter said before he could look in, he had to wait as the hot air escaping caused the candle to flicker. The air is a dynamic actor. The sabian symbol is “a forest fire is being subdued by the use of water, chemicals and sheer muscular energy.” If this was a Pharoah’s curse, it may have effected Carter and Carnarvon who took the brunt of the air.
The asteroid Osiris is in Aries. I have placed the Ascendant conjunct the asteroid. Osiris is the Egyptian god of the underworld and he is famous for being reborn each day but staying in the underworld at night. Here he is shown at the moment of his rebirth. Osiris was also a ram god. This connotation closely associates Osiris’ ba, force or spirit, with the planet Mars, ruler of Aries the sacred ram. A depiction of Osiris was present in the Pharoah’s burial chamber. It is this ba that escapes the tomb once it is opened. Although he is God of death, he is a judge not a killer. He is a giver of life through the Nile flooding. It is unlikely that Mars is truly a curse but the principal character behind this Sagittarian discovery is Osiris and his ba.
Wonderful Things
This tomb had lain undiscovered for 3,247 years. Images of Egyptian deities were within the tomb in various rooms. This helps identify the correct houses representing the rooms. The group is in the 8th house. This is the tomb. Carter and Carnarvon were peering into the antechamber, the 7th house, and beholding wonderful things. They also saw golden things. The alignment of Venus and Pallas to the Libra Saturn in the 7th house shows the wonderful things were the beautiful (Libra) antiquities (Saturn). A funerary bed of Shekhmet was present among the hundreds of items located within this chamber. It is at 6° Scorpio conjunct Jupiter whose symbol is “the gold rush”.
This tomb held an entire cache meant to see a king live for eternity in the underworld. It contained the mundane but necessary items like food, beer, wine, and underwear. It contained luxuries and goods that a king would need to maintain his status like chariots for war and parades, a throne, jewelry and crowns. It also held the mummy and canopic jars holding the king’s internal organs. Everything that could only be imagined and sought for was about to become fact. Three thousand year old mysteries solved. This moment of being on the edge of the golden world is Sagittarius. Beholding wonderful things but not holding them quite yet. That moment of discovery just before it becomes facts is Sagittarius. The outline of a hoof. There. The sharp whip of the Centaur’s tail on your cheek but this time you catch that glimpse. Wonderful things.