Its official name was the Corps of Discovery Expedition but the more than two year journey is more widely known as the Lewis and Clark Expedition. No one else thought William Clark should get official recognition but his close friend Meriweather Lewis had other ideas. The Senate refused to grant William Clark the rank of Captain recognizing his role as a full partner but Lewis still recognized him as a co-captain.
This voyage is famous for its partnership, diplomacy to many native tribes and a young woman and mother who was named Sacagawea. When you are in the wilderness you start to recognize animal sign; the tell tale eaten vegetation, the light trail through the woods, and the imprint of a paw near a watercourse. For Lewis and Clark, this was all the sign of the lovely feet of Venus. On November 4, 1804, they finally found the young pregnant woman who represented the goddess near present day Bismarck, North Dakota.

The journey started in Libra ruled by Venus. The retrograde Libra Jupiter is also present in the first house. Jupiter represents the quest you undertake. A Libra Jupiter is tracking Venus and the things of Venus such as love, fairness, justice, partnership and trade. As the men made their way over the Plains hostile Indians caused the expedition to prepare to fight. The 7th house represents the people the expedition would encounter. Those people would have the characteristics of Aries and also Taurus. There they would find Sacagawea represented by the asteroid Sacajawea.
After meeting the hostile Lakota Sioux (Aries), they met the more peaceful Mandan Sioux tribe who were farmers (Taurus) and traders and there they met Sacagawea and her husband. Three months after meeting the expedition she gave birth to her son, and their presence along with her language skills made the journey easier by putting the tribes they encountered at ease. No one thought a war party would travel with a young woman and infant.
The Cancer zodiac sign is associated with motherhood, nationhood and home. Sacajawea became a mother for the first time, she engaged in a journey to return to her home where she re-met her native tribe, and her presence in the expedition brought Lewis and Clark across a new nation. Tracking Venus is the speciality of Libra Jupiter.
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