Shakespeare’s Lady MacBeth is wracked with guilt over the murders of Duncan, Lady MacDuff and her children. She is slowly driven mad from the knowledge that she cannot remove the blood on her hands. She begins sleepwalking and eventually kills herself. The doctor tells her gentlewomen that unnatural deeds breed unnatural troubles. Karma at work.
In 1692, Port Royal, Jamaica was “one of the wickedest places on earth.” This port was the place pirates came to fence their goods, and spend any loot they had acquired. It was notorious for pirates and it was destroyed in just a few minutes out of the blue. Just before midday at 11:43 a.m. on June 7, 1692, an earthquake and tsunami caused most of the town to sink into the sea. A third of the town’s people died in minutes and about half the town’s population died in the days following from injuries and disease.
Contemporary accounts says that the tallest houses could be seen sticking out from the water and surrounding them were the masts of sunken ships. People had been walking on solid ground but during the earthquake the land turned to water and they sunk into the earth before the land resolidified trapping them.
All around the British world, accounts subscribe the destruction to the judgement of God. The local minister, who had described the people as debauched, wicked, drunk, whores and thieves who began stealing before the earthquake ended and were killed by the houses they were robbing falling on them, wrote a first hand account of the earthquake and aftermath including that at the time of the earthquake the French had attacked the northern part of Jamaica and been defeated. These truly were unnatural troubles and there may indeed have been prior unnatural deeds but was this really the Judgement of God?

The short answer is yes. This is God’s Judgement. Jupiter is the astrological symbol for God and he is indeed active in the horoscope. Jupiter is at 3° Gemini whose sabian symbol is “the garden of the Tuileries in Paris”, a symbol of order, and he is sitting on his judgement throne, that is his own 9th house. Port Royal was not orderly. In fact, it was very disorderly. The Virgo Ascendant also is about restoring order from chaos. The sabian symbol for the Ascendant is “a powerful statesman overcomes a state of political hysteria.” The town was rich and had well built houses. The disorder comes from licentiousness of the people.
The 3rd house in the horoscope is the town itself. The picture is of the immediate aftermath of the earthquake. Scorpio Ceres is on the sabian symbol of lineman working on telephone poles, a picture of the ships masts sticking out from the sunken destroyed ships. Destruction is a hallmark of Pluto, the ruler of the zodiac sign Scorpio. The Sagittarius Saturn represents the buildings standing up from the water. Pluto and Jupiter are ruling the town. Jupiter is conjunct Uranus, the planet associated with upheaval, in this case the earthquake, and bolts from the blue. It does appear Jupiter indeed was sitting in judgement and Port Royal was probably not “one of the wickedest places on earth” but was indeed “The Wickedest Place on Earth.” It was gone in about two minutes. Jupiter had made his judgement and had thrown a thunderbolt.