No one today knows the date of Anne Boleyn’s birthday. It wasn’t written down and the best guess from original sources is sometime in late May or early June. Her life had all the hallmarks of significant Gemini zodiac sign activity. This isn’t the end of the story though.
There buried in the privy accounts of King Henry VIII, every year in May or June lavish gifts were given to Anne. The first year 1530 he purchased an entire hunting trousseau with bows and arrows. Considering her later Christmas gift to the King was boar spears it seems entirely appropriate that she had needed outfitting for her new role hunting with the King. On June 5, 1530 julian, the Mayor of London sent Anne Boleyn a gift of cherries. Subsequently, her new hunting gear had gotten good use since the King replenished the arrows on June 10, 1530 julian. In May 1531, she received money to gamble and later crimson cloth on June 10th. In 1532, she received a trip to Durham House and in June a very expensive cloak and black satin nightgown and green damask cloth. These types of items generally correspond to Christmas or special occasions like her trip to France but what corresponds to these annual May and June gifts?
The Case for Anne Boleyn’s Birthday Being June 5, 1507 Julian
Speculatively, the Mayor of London sent her cherries on June 5th because it was her birthday. The second purchase of arrows of June 10th shows the previous purchase were already used up by, presumably, a hunting trip. Why would the King still be purchasing gifts in early June when her birthday was weeks before? Could this June 10th gifts be from him asking her what she most wanted on her birthday?
Jane Dormer, Duchess of Feria, a contemporary of Anne Boleyn wrote that after Anne was convicted of treason and beheaded. “She was not twenty-nine years of age.” Anne Boleyn was beheaded on May 19, 1536 jul. The suggestion in the way this was written was that Anne was close to but had not yet reached her 29th birthday in 1536. That leads us to 1507. A second source who had access to one of Queen Elizabeth I’s officials wrote Anne was born in 1507.
On such circumstantial evidence, I give you Anne Boleyn’s birthday. She was a Gemini Sun and an Aries Moon.

I’ve covered this mystery before using known horoscopes of Anne Boleyn’s life. Her life had all the hallmarks of Gemini. This horoscope puts her outward expression as a Gemini Sun. This in many ways is just not enough to explain her life but there are two more Gemini components that have unusual importance to her story. Her 0° Gemini (30° Taurus) Mars is conjunct King Henry’s 0° Gemini Venus and 1° Gemini South Node. This karmic signature not only tells us why King Henry VIII was so taken with Anne’s courtship of him but also explains why history tells us she controlled him through her refusal to engage in sexual relations. This aspect is also one that cools over time. In myth, there is great passion between Mars and Venus but ultimately it is an adulterous union that does not lead to long term success. The King’s south node also suggests that this was a relationship that was well known to him but didn’t offer much growth. Not great in the long term. Even the Aries Moons who start out as great friends and companions will always have an underlying competitive quality that meant the loser would begin to resent the winner in their various and constant rivalries.
A major outer planet conjunction also defines her life as the Anne Boleyn we know. At her Investiture as The Marquess of Pembroke, Saturn is closing in on Uranus. Right there in the middle is her 10° Cancer Mercury.
“The final ominous note is the coming conjunction of Cancer Uranus and Saturn. This is the glyph (♅♄) of the castration of Uranus and the end of progress. This is ominous for Anne because she is only rising due to the wiping away of the previous order and religious revolution. The end of that revolution will cause her power to stagnant. Cancer is the zodiac sign of the family and home. While historians suppose that the religious reforms are about the King’s power this progressive change is about reform of the family and those reforms end is in sight.” – The Astrological Portrait of Anne Boleyn

That the Gemini zodiac sign, its ruler Mercury and possibly its natural home the third house would be at the heart of the overthrow of the Catholic Church in England might seem slightly absurd until you recall that Gemini opposes Sagittarius. Anne provided King Henry with answers to his questions. As he yielded and accepted those answers he gave in to the tug of war the opposition creates. Anne easily reeled him into her waiting arms. This opposition is best between a feminine and masculine planet. The play of yielding feminine energy and unyielding masculine energy can be amazingly powerful in synastry. Anne Boleyn played the unyielding role while King Henry played the yielding role. The conjunction of their Mars and Venus showed the outcome was already written in their stars at their birth.
The Synastry Horoscope of King Henry VIII & Anne Boleyn
The great sexual and love affair of Henry VIII caused him to overthrow the Catholic Church in England. The sexual refusal of Anne’s Mars and its conjunction with Henry’s Venus could very well show the sexual tension that drove the King and his lady. Mars is that place we express our independence, competitiveness and drive. He rules Aries and both the King and Anne had Aries Moons. Emotionally each of them wanted to be first and it seems Henry and Anne did not reconcile the competition in their marriage. King Henry VIII was the king and Anne was his wife and she wasn’t to show him up. Yet she was built to show him up. She had the masculine role, him the feminine. Not easy for a powerful King with an Aries Moon to accept. While they were of one purpose they were in lockstep and had incredible sexual passion but, once the church was overthrown, that energy no longer had an outward expression and it turned into the tumultuous marriage many courtiers wrote about.

The karma that drove these two souls to come together to change the trajectory of England and, through the British Empire, the world must have taken many centuries to build. Anne Boleyn was truly the most extraordinary person in Henry’s life and together they were a energetic force that magnetizes us still. She deserves for her birthday to be known and studied. Together, they were passion and willpower. It is a tragedy that that passion turned against the other and tore them apart. It has been centuries since these two were wrenched apart and probably created a very serious karmic hangover but they have most likely already reconnected on their next adventure. Maybe, it will be Henry who will get his mercurial head cut off next time.
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