While Hamas was winding down the raping and murdering of Israelis and counting the hostages they had taken on the other side of the world, Christine Brown of Sister Wives married David Pratt Woolley in Moab, Utah. So it should be no surprise that the marriage chart has difficult aspects. The Hamas and Israel chart had a brutal cardinal Mars square Pluto but Christine and David swallowed that one down with one gulp and asked for another adding in the Moon for that extra kick. Intense conflict and a brutal fight for control now mixed into the marital emotional makeup. Aside from that intense T-square, the chart also has a Saturn opposition to Venus. Limits to love. This is a major issue in a marriage horoscope, especially for a marriage based on love.

David Woolley said he planned to marry the woman who would go to Red Rocks more than once and, if they are to be believed, they decided to get married less than two months after dating and actually married less than a year later. Marry in haste, repent at leisure. Oh and when you wake up to an ongoing genocidal massacre maybe cancel the wedding.
David Pratt Woolley has two very prestigious last names in Mormonism. Yet the Woolley family backstory is they are just second generation Mormons. Seems suspicious that he had sisters living polygamy in Mexico which of course is the back story of Mitt Romney’s father whose main Mormon claim to status was his descent from the Pratt family. The Huntsmans are another scion of the Pratt family and John Wickersham Woolley is known as the father of Mormon fundamentalism. Whatever the truth, David and Christine appear to be working on karma that dates back to the early Mormon church.
The Woolley Wedding
In the marriage chart, David Woolley is represented by the ruler of the Ascendant, the retrograde Pisces Saturn in the first. Christine Brown is his partner and is represented by the Descendant ruler, the Cancer Moon in the seventh. Saturn is quincunx the Moon. The quincunx is an aspect of friction. It has a similiar feel to sliding down a rocky hill with all the dust and rocks tumbling and you have to keep making adjustments. It is a rough go and isn’t exactly pleasant. Being married surrounded by red rocks is an apt symbol of this sort of aspect. He has said he loves rock climbing and would marry the woman who would enjoy this with him. As the retrograde Pisces Saturn in the first, he is ready to start the slide wearing Neptune’s rose colored glasses. Christine is not prepared and he should expect a lot of Cancerian crying and whining. The Cancer Moon-Leo Venus semi-sextile means she likes to get attention for her emotions. Christine likes to whine to the cameras. Christine’s tendency to peevishly tell the camera about all of her hurt and angry feelings will apply to David the same as it did to Kody.

As the marriage chart, this one has substantial drawbacks but a basic analysis shows that on the surface the three major themes are discipline and fathers (Capricorn Ascendant), partnership (Libra Sun), and nurturing and motherhood (Cancer Moon). Christine is playing house. She also desperately wants to be the center of attention and love from an older man. Leo Venus oppose Saturn. The Moon is connected to the Leo Venus. This points to some deep unfulfilled emotional need. Unfortunately, she has gotten what she wanted and Saturn is opposing that Venus. She had fallen right back into a marriage that is going to end up pretty cold in the love department. There are going to be love limits.
The zodiac sign Cancer is a powerful force. It is opposed by Capricorn. Why would such a sensitive sign be paired with such a disciplined, responsible sign? Individuals with strong Cancer placements, fourth house placements, or high numbers of aspects to the Moon will exhibit a strong signature of Cancer. There is a choice those individuals will need to make. Will the Cancer energy be turned inward or outward. Individuals who turn inward expecting others to soothe them are playing the role of the baby. Those individuals who turn outward become the mother. Cancers have a deep need to belong and they are only able to feel belonging when they make others feel that they belong to the Cancerian person. This is not possession this is emotional safety. This type of emotional safety is behind the feeling when you are sick or scared that you want a cuddle from your mom. If a Cancer is playing the baby, a Capricorn opposition will feel like they aren’t loved. If instead the Cancer is playing the mother, a Capricorn opposition will feel like physical and material protection.
The foundation (Imum Coeli I.C.) of the marriage is set upon the retrograde Taurus Jupiter. A past quest for resources. The marriage has Pisces in the second house with the retrograde Pisces Neptune for emphasis. Dissolving material valuables. Maybe now that she has David, she thought she didn’t need Kody anymore. It is possible she had a Neptunian fantasy of her love affair getting its own love story complete with a pay check. Retrograde Pisces Neptune quincunx Leo Venus and Juno but the Sister Wives viewers aren’t buying that. They haven’t embraced the Christine and David love story outside of how it relates to the Brown family. Indeed, Christine’s marriage, Janelle’s move across the country and with Meri’s move to Utah, it is hard to see how much longer Sister Wives can continue on its own. They have all moved on, right, what story is left to tell?
The retrograde Taurus Uranus in the fourth house. Past resource shakeup in the family home. That is directly ruled by the Scorpio Ceres conjunct the Midheaven. Very prominent shared custody. Uranus is the ruler of Christine’s Aquarian north node. Taurus Uranus. Resource breakup. Consuming detachment. The Woolley marriage Uranus is conjunct the Brown spiritual marriage Taurus south node. Separation from Kody, Meri and Janelle.
Christine Brown is not over Kody no matter how much she protests she is, in between her shooting barbs at him publically, and the marriage chart shows this. How long will David be interested in a marriage that is about Kody Brown? The marriage chart has some Uranian work to be done, separating emotionally from Kody Brown, separating from the Brown family, letting go of Sister Wives and the resources she gains from it, and accepting shared custody of Truely Brown may all be major milestones driving Christine forward into the arms of her new Capricornian husband who likes to rock climb.
Climbing mountains is a speciality of Capricorn whose symbol is the mountain goat. Emotional comfort is decidely not on the menu. Uranus is the planet of Revolution and you can’t engage in that while snuggled at home under a comforter. David married her in front of rugged red rocks where he likes to rock climb, and loves that Moab formed when dinosaurs walked the land. Deep time. Bones. Capricorn. David could not have made the message more clear. They will be climbing the mountain together, no matter how hard the path or long the road.
Manifesting The T-Square of Pluto Moon in Oppostion both Square Mars
Although Kody was not in attendance at the wedding, he held prime real estate. Christine as the Moon opposed the retrograde Capricorn Pluto in the first. Kody’s Capricorn Sun is conjunct the Wedding Pluto as well as David’s Venus. Pluto is rising. That means Christine needs to dispense with Kody and pack him away into the twelfth house before she can move onto David Woolley who will rise second as Saturn.
This is a terrible start to a marriage to another man. The Moon opposition to Pluto speaks to very deep entrenched emotional residue and the Moon will come out the worse for wear with these harsh aspects between Pluto and Mars. Pluto and Mars both can stand up to the others’ difficult energy but the Moon won’t hold up as well.
Christine Brown’s Aries Sun sits on Kody Brown’s Aries North Node. The aftermath of the nasty fight that is forming now will be part of their next incarnation. That is what she is going to be packing away in the twelfth. Unlike Kody’s other wives, it is Christine with her north node connection to Kody that is most likely to see him again. Kody’s Capricorn Sun is also conjunct her Aquarius North Node.
Although not much is known yet, Christine and Kody are engaged in a legal fight (Libra Mars) over Truely Brown. Truely appears to be the Libra Sun in the eighth with its connection to the Scorpio Midheaven. A custody fight is written all over this marriage chart. Back to the Hamas fight, there were hostages taken and, as of this writing, some are still in Hamas custody. Truely is the first hostage of Woolley-Brown wedding. Kody’s Capricorn Sun is conjunct the retrograde Capricorn Pluto and Pluto is the notorious kidnapper of Persephone. Kody is likely going to seek custody of Truely and it looks like he may very well end up with half and it is even possible, as Pluto’s myth suggests, that he would get full custody for awhile especially at first.
David Woolley’s Turn as Pluto
It should be interesting to see how the Brown legal fight will turn out because it will give us insight into how the David Woolley – Christine Woolley fight will turn out. Christine is not one to blame herself for anything and so a loss of Truely and, a probable, lack of child support payment may activate the nasty T-square again. Surely Christine has not accepted less than Kody Brown is paid for their TV show and so shared equal custody means no child support or maybe Kody will end up with her paying him if he gets sole custody or they take his three other minor children into account. Should this happen it is likely to create some serious friction between Christine and David.
Finally, this T-square will end up dominating the marriage. While it is still turned outward at Kody Brown, the energy won’t be as difficult but when it is eventually applied to David it will turn inward as Christine is wont to do. Christine has been used to overpowering Kody by her emotional reactions but David raised eight children alone after a marriage with a mentally ill, suicidal wife. If news reports are true, he would not tolerate any emotional manipulation and did not read his wife’s suicide note. It is unlikely that Christine’s emotional responses are going to have much of an effect. This is not going to be a normal level of conflict. Genocidal massacres should not form the backdrop of a marriage.