It isn’t unexpected that Yevgeny Prigozhin met his end in nefarious circumstances. After the aborted Wagner Group coup, it was just a matter of time before he would be killed. How the plane crashed on August 23, 2023 isn’t that interesting. Instead of reading this for the cause of the airplane crash, instead we will focus on the much more important information contained in the horoscope. The Ascendant ruler will tell us who took the action. In the Prigozhin Death horoscope, it is in Capricorn pointing to the usual suspect, Vladimir Putin. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and Saturn represents authority, father time, and the Boss. The natural house of Capricorn is the 10th, way up high on the chart, where everyone can see what is going on. It’s the most public part of the chart. Who is the boss in Russia? For the moment, it still seems to be Vladimir Putin.

Putin is represented by the retrograde Pisces Saturn in the first house. Putin portrays himself as The strong man of Russia. Capo dei capi. The Boss of bosses. In the Ukrainian Invasion horoscope, he personally delivered the message that the invasion had started as an Aquarius Saturn in the first house. The first house is places of action and battlefields. It is Mars’ natural house. Just like his announcement that he had ordered Russian forces to invade Ukraine, he ordered Prigozhin’s death. Unlike in the Invasion horoscope, he is no longer surrounded by a phalanx of supporting characters in the other planets. Putin is not Aquarian any longer but he is watching his authority dissolve away. In the Wagner chart, he was the Libra Ceres connected by aspect to many planets but this new Saturn status shows he is firmly losing cohesive authority, he has almost no alliances represented by aspects and only rules Pluto who is fast leaving Capricorn. Less than two months before, Putin was in a substantially stronger position with many alliances and had been able to make a deal with Prigozhin to call off Wagner who was exiled to Belarus. Why then was Prigozhin jetting around Russia? Putin, like many tsars before him, cultivated the illusion that he is invincible but the emperor has no clothes and unfortunately Prigozhin kept pointing out he is naked. The damage he wreaked is clear in the changed circumstances over the two months and his ability to stay in Russia.

Even if Putin had wanted to grant him clemency how was he to do it when all of Russia knew Prigozhin was on a grand tour of Russia? He had to go. Putin can’t afford to have a constant reminder of his weakness. Wagner group elements have already vowed revenge. Underlying the horoscope though is something more ominous than a boss ordered hit. Playing the foolish emperor is bad but 4° Pisces is on the Sabian symbol “heavy car traffic on a narrow isthmus linking two seaside resorts”. Saturn represents structures such as bridges. This symbol clearly alludes to a much more important dissolving action. The Kerch Strait Bridge is the only link to Crimea from Russia proper. It pictures the Sabian symbol. The Ukrainians have already successfully hit this bridge twice and attempted again yesterday. Putin himself drove across it in his car when it reopenned. He is linked to the bridge directly.
Prigozhin’s real damage isn’t screaming that Putin is naked. It is the sore straits he left the Russian army in when he left the front with Wagner group. If Ukraine or Wagner Group manages to destroy the Kerch Bridge and the Ukrainians reach the sea of Azov with their counteroffensive, they will strand thousands of Russians both civilian and military. The disaster would be ruinous for Russia’s war effort. The next two symbols are a “church bazaar” and “a parade of army officers in full dress”. So a jumble of stuff followed by some sort of military parade. That sure sounds a lot like a military surrender where the personal weapons are piled up first and then a military review is part of a surrender ceremony. The planet that sets this event off will tell us what type of surrender. It could just be the bridge falling to pieces. These Sabian elements are wrapped up in the the Invasion Sun conjunct the Wagner Coup Attempt Saturn opposing the Wagner Moon. Although it is unlikely Russia will surrender so early in the fight, some portion of their forces may have to do so. The seed planted at the Wagner coup attempt could well be the loss of Crimea or the loss of the Kerch Bridge. Putin, as Saturn, will have to deal with the dissolving action of Pisces on his authority until 2025. Putin and the Kerch Bridge must hold Crimea and Russia together and as Prigozhin who had almost no common sense made clear, Putin is naked. He is almost without friends and allies and exposed. The Kerch Bridge is in much the same condition.