To the victor, goes the spoils. At Culloden, the English took the Highlanders clothes as part of the spoils. Until then, the plaid kilt was a symbol of Scottish independence and it was ruthlessly banned except for the landed gentry and members of the Scottish units serving the English. The English claimed the kilts and ever since they have been a symbol of the British empire. This symbol is so intertwined with Britain that the heir to the British throne has the special Glen plaid and the monarch’s alarm clock is a kilt clad bagpiper known as the Piper to the Sovereign.

The kilt ban is one of those charts that is very easy to read. The main theme is repeated. The Moon is the planet representing family, mother, kin and clan. It is no surprise then that the Clans are represented by the Moon in the Kiltban horoscope. There in the Highlands, the Gemini Moon is in the dissolving twelfth house. In the horoscope of the Kiltban in England, the English people are represented by Mercury. Mercury rules Gemini.

Governments are represented by Saturn. So we have three social constructs. The defeated Clans (Gemini Moon) ruling Cancer, the English people (Virgo Mercury) ruling Gemini and the British Government (Libra Saturn) ruling Capricorn. It is the English people who strip the Clans of their kilts. The kilts themselves are both the Cancer Neptune (the Clan’s glamourous clothing) ruling Pisces and Virgo Venus (British fashion, whether worn by the gentry or British military units) ruling Libra.
Although the events aren’t necessarily something to laugh about, this chart makes me laugh. It is so clearly the English people stripping the kilts from the Scottish people. “I’ve got his kilt.” This wasn’t done so much out of malice as envy over the fashion. The British liked those kilts. They took them right off the common Scots and immediately dressed the high status gentry and Government soldiers with them. Even though they relaxed the ban on the kilts in the Highlands, they never returned them.
The clan’s weapons are the Cancer Mars in the second house lying close by Neptune. Neptune is associated with glamour and dissolution. At Culloden, the Jacobite armies were defeated and as a military force they dissolved. They are now lying in the second house of wealth. They are the spoils. Sure, the Government was going to disarm them (Mars) but the Clans never expected they would also disrobe them (Neptune). In the horoscopes, Mars opposes retrograde Capricorn Vesta. The Clan warriors opposed the British servants. To the victor goes the spoils.
The British servants march out onto the stage (fifth house) with their newly claimed kilts (Virgo Venus). Dressed to impress. The British Government is looking good in their new Venusian fashion (Libra Saturn in the fifth house). You can see the celebratory element of getting ahold of that fashion. Pluto is involved and he wants his share of the spoils.
Just to make sure that is fully clear, the English people sit conjunct the south node in the fourth house. The nodes of the Moon are a factory where raw material is taken in through the node node and finished goods are produced at the south node. The nation of shopkeepers (Mercury) can’t wait to get their hands on those kilts. Plaid goes everywhere, household goods, clothing, you name it plaid becomes British fashion. The Neptunian kilts lie in the tenth house of government who are sending that raw material through the north node to the south node right into the hands of the English people. The British Empire would never be the same again. From redcoats to plaid, the British have always had a taste for fashion.
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