At the deepest point of the horoscope lies the nadir. This hidden location contains the summation of who we are when we arrive in this incarnation. The nadir is also called the Imum Coeli (I.C.) and in some house systems it is the cusp of the fourth house. Heritage, roots, ancestry are all described by that dark black line that points straight back to the past. The U.S.A. Sibly chart’s nadir is at 1° Aries. The zodiac sign of survival, warriorship, initiative, and youth. It should be no surprise then that America has a very aggressive reaction to any sort of security threat. Deep at heart, America is a warrior. The warrior is born out of the need for survival. A warrior’s life is perilous.
I like to refer to the USA as Sibly. As a font of authority and power, Sibly creates what it needs to effect its natal chart. On March 20, 1854, a group met in Ripon, Wisconsin and made the fateful decision to organize a new political party. That party was the Republican Party and its natal Sun lies at 0° Aries. This gives Sibly the choice to act directly from its deepest core. The Democratic Party has a Capricorn Sun-Neptune conjunction opposing Sibly’s Cancer Sun. The Democratic Party also has a Cancer Saturn that is conjunct Sibly’s Sun. This party seems to exist to put the brakes on America and its unbridled force and power. See how neatly Sibly has complete control over its path, it can hit the gas or the brakes just by putting one party or the other into power.
Sticks and Stones May Break Your Bones But Words Will Never Hurt You – The Lost Cause
On April 13, 1861, the Lost Cause Transit, the transit of Neptune into Aries, began in Washington, D.C. The words Lost Cause describe the astrological meaning of the Aries Neptune. Today, using this expression is one of those things you aren’t supposed to discuss anymore. The Lost Cause was memorialized in stone in the lifetimes of people who actually fought, both Union and Confederate. When I was growing up the Lost Cause was the Confederacy itself and that is how I use it. The Lost Cause was the failed defense of the new southern nation. During the war, southerners called the war “the second war of independence” and the term, lost cause, first appeared in 1866 and became very popular immediately. Southerners weren’t going to call the war the lost cause while they were fighting it.
I don’t recall any of my Virginia history books in school ever denying that the secession movement was motivated to preserve slavery as an institution. Yet, scholars have found that only 20-25% of Confederate soldiers owned or had parents who owned a slave. Modern Americans may want to believe that the vast majority of southerners were fighting to keep slavery but the average common Confederate was a patriot who was fighting to protect his homeland or was a conscript who had been drafted under an act that stated the purpose was for the common defence.
The very same people who want to glorify the right of Palestine to exist as a state hate the idea that the American South is its own nation. It just can’t be that southerners of the 1860s wanted to be self governing and not told what to do by the North, including what to do or not do about the slaves. It has been 159 years since the Confederate States of America was debellated but the memory of the C.S.A. has excited modern historians to deny its existence was the actual cause of the Civil War.
“Now, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, in virtue of the power in me vested by the Constitution and the laws, have thought fit to call forth, and hereby do call forth, the militia of the several States of the Union to the aggregate number of 75,000 in order to suppress said combinations and to cause the laws to be duly executed.” – A Proclamation, Call to Arms April 15, 1861
C.S.A. President Jefferson Davis ordered Beauregard to take Fort Sumter. That gave President Lincoln the casus belli to call up an army to invade the territory of the C.S.A to subjugate the southern people and force them to obey the laws, including the ones upholding slavery, of the United States of America. Putin is currently doing the same thing to Ukraine. Did Lincoln need 75,000 men to retake one fort in South Carolina? Why did the Call to Arms name the states of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas? And what is this combination to which Lincoln refers? The C.S.A. The C.S.A. was the cause of the war. The C.S.A lost the war. The Confederacy is the lost cause of the Civil War. The issue isn’t the South’s motives, it is the North’s. Astrology has the answer, the U.S.A, Sibly, was willing to fight to stop itself from dissolving into two.
South Carolina Is A Rebel
The day before the transit began April 12, 1861, South Carolina had opened fire on Fort Sumter and started the Civil War. America was at peril of dissolution. States had seceded and one had fired on one of America’s military bases. It should be no surprise then that the Civil War chart has South Carolina playing the role of Neptune. Dissolution, escape and people under the influence of their ideals are all Neptunian.
South Carolina is probably the most rebellious state in the United States of America. It is America’s wild child, a teenager through and through. It should not be the first state in the south that decides the primary contests of the two major political parties, any other southern state would be better. It was partitioned from North Carolina in January 20, 1712 (Julian). With an Aquarian stellium, Capricorn Moon with a loose conjunction of retrograde Uranus and Pluto in Virgo, South Carolina was the original American rebel long before the sixties.
The Gadsden flag “Dont Tread on Me” below a timber rattlesnake was the design of Christopher Gadsden, delegate from South Carolina. The Representative that heckled Obama at his first state of the union, South Carolinian. The Representative who beat another Representative on the House of Representatives’ floor before the Civil War, South Carolinian. The first to secede from the Union was the state of South Carolina. The first Confederate state to open fire on American military forces, South Carolina. At the time they did this, the Commonwealth of Virginia had not voted to secede. Richmond, Virginia had the only ironworks in the entire Confederacy. Hotheaded. Devil may care. Impetuous. Rash. Reckless. Foolish. South Carolina.
Pulling up the vehicle accident crashes for US states for 2022, who leads all fifty states in fatal vehicle crashes for miles driven? South Carolina. 1.85 fatalities per 100 million miles driven. By population, it is fourth at 20.7 fatalities per 100,000 population versus the average of 12.8 fatalities per 100,000 in the U.S. That’s 62% higher than average. Go look at a hellraising teenage boy and just think do you want to follow his lead? He’s a damn fool that barely, but not always, gets out of scrapes by the tips of his youthful fingers. That’s South Carolina. Funny how a state’s natal chart can influence its people so readily. In the same way Sibly can do anything it wants with its own horoscope.
The First Shot at Fort Sumter Opens in Pisces
Actions that open in Pisces are going nowhere. As the Russian Prigozhin found out when he started his mutiny at the end of Pisces, it was last chapter of his story. The Pisces zodiac sign is the end of the zodiac while its neighboring sign of Aries is the beginning. Starting a new venture under the rays of Pisces is a fool’s errand.

Major Robert Anderson offered to evacuate Fort Sumter on April 15, if he did not receive supplies from the U.S.A. This would have allowed transitting Neptune to act on Sibly’s I.C. potentially dissolving the United States of America and allowing the Confederate States who had already seceded to escape. Lincoln was attempting to bargain a trade of Fort Sumter in return for keeping the Commonwealth of Virginia from seceding. It was not to be, the C.S.A wanted to retake that fort. Jefferson Davis ordered the Fort to be taken and the Confederate Secretary of State resigned in protest.
Neptune is a powerful force. The planets that rule the water signs, the Moon, Pluto (unknown at the time of the Civil War) and Neptune are concerned with the past. Neptune is not a bad choice for some things. If the Confederate States mission was to dissolve the United States and the focus had been based on the past schisms and issues between the individual states they may very well have had a stronger effect. Instead astrologically, they chose goals that required a sledgehammer instead of the solvent they picked up but used ineffectively.
Even worse than choosing Neptune to represent the Confederacy where its strongest effect would be on the Confederacy itself, the astrological timing placed the fighting in the South’s territory and placed almost the entirety of all the planetary actors in Confederate territory (Houses 1-6). Remember at this moment, they did not have even one ironworks and Lincoln was willing to trade the Fort, in effect recognizing the Confederate States of America, to keep one state, Virginia, in the Union. That’s how close they were to accomplishing a Neptunian escape from the United States without a shot being fired.
Aries Neptune and the Lost Cause
A day later, as the Fort surrendered, Neptune transitted into Aries. The Aries zodiac sign is the effect of initiative, survival, battle and force. It is very much associated with motivation and through motivation cause. What gets you up (Mars) and moving (Aries)? That motivation pushes you and that shows your Aries. Neptune is the action of loss. Dissolution. Surrender. Chaos. An Aries Neptune is the Lost Cause. Dissolving motivation. Military surrender. Surviving chaos. Defending Fort Sumter was a lost cause. Defending the Confederacy was the Lost Cause.

The next day April 14, Lincoln met with his cabinet and drafted the Call to Arms Proclamation. The next day, it called for a 75,000 man militia of the several states to restore the laws of the United States in South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. Within two days, dissolution of the United States of America was off the table and fight to dissolve the Confederacy was on.

The Roman Empire was vast and it eventually split into two. It was getting hard to govern everyone. The U.S.A. is most likely the reincarnation of the S.P.Q.R. Experimenting with governance structures that are based on culture should not then be that surprising. Entities bigger than humans don’t take notice of our troubles when their lifecycle takes them in new directions. How much notice do you take of the bacteria that lives on your floor when you douse the floor with soapy water?
We all know how the Lost Cause transit ultimately played out. The Confederacy couldn’t manifest the materials it needed to defend itself and ultimately dissolved and was defeated in several surrenders. There was no one end to the Confederacy as individual pieces surrendered at different times. Jefferson Davis fled Richmond on April 2, 1865. Lee surrendered at Appomattox on April 9, 1865. Davis and his cabinet met in Georgia and dissolved the Confederate government on May 5, 1865 and he was captured May 9. It took almost seven months for all the remaining armies to surrender. The last ship surrendered November 6, 1865. Military surrender. Aries Neptune. Starting a new venture under the rays of Pisces is a fool’s errand.
The Lost Cause Transit Returns March 2025, Will China & Russia Go To War With America?
The March 2025 Lost Cause Transit return chart features Sibly as the retrograde Pisces Ceres. The partner is the Aquarius Pluto. Once again, almost all planetary actors are in the territory of the Union’s open enemy and that enemy is ruled by Pluto, the planet of destruction. Before the fateful 1861 transit, the south was moving toward secession and you could see the transit coming. These 2025 planets lie across America’s homes and towns. What has been happening in America’s homes and towns that relates to Neptune? Ceres is a builder and this chart makes me think we have to build our way out of this one. Build or dissolve. What does this sound like?
Neptune is not only about surrender, chaos and loss. It rules aliens, film, delusion, infiltration, mental illness, drugs, and disease. So unless this is an alien attack, it looks like China might be behind this. China unleashed a pandemic. It closed Wuhan domestic air flights but let the international flights continue. China is now sending lots of men across America’s defenseless border. China has taught the cartels how to make fentanyl and supplied them with drugs that they sneak into America to poison Americans. China wants America to dissolve away. China is already attacking us with their subversive methods.
The 2025 Lost Cause transit in Beijing finds China acting as the Pisces Venus on the symbol an airplane hovering overhead with Pluto conjunct the I.C. Mars is individual warriors, but Venus rules war. Both Russia and Iran are represented by Vesta with it conjunct the I.C. in the Moscow chart and in the third house of the Tehran chart.

This chart makes me feel like my hair is whitening. Will China and Russia attack? This chart asks one question of us: can we outbuild China and Russia? Together, they have America’s old manufacturing industry, men and plentiful energy. The three things we used to win World War II. The Gemini Jupiter in the second house says luck may be on our side. We are a big nation filled with numerous communities and towns and the enemy doesn’t have leverage over that in the chart.
Fortunately, we have our Union’s destiny in our own hands but this isn’t going to be easy. Let me read the Sabian symbols in order. Expansion of goods (Two Dutch children talking) – Our network of karmic weapons (A sword in a museum) – Innovation in battle (A mounted Indian with scalp locks). Uranus in the first house suggests our warriors will be the air force and our hackers. Our hackers seem to be in battle and their fight is influencing the enemy but our Uranus has been injured in an attack.
I hate to be crude but the symbol of the injury is the one that suggests rape. Our network and possibly our airspace has been attacked and raped. Intrusion. The enemy isn’t without its own strengths. It’s controlling our old servants, probably our conventional military although they aren’t Mars but Vesta. They are battling the enemy but the symbol suggests they are burning. Its the autumn forest symbol. Orange. Yellow. Red.
Regular Americans are furious and represented by the Aries Moon and they are taking extraordinary action. Motivated by anger. This is what truly upsets me the most about this chart because it reminds me of the progressive socialists in New York City still stamping out the American flag they were burning a minute before the airplanes hit on 9-11 crying and saying they loved America. The Aries symbol of this Moon is the one that brought conquistadors, pilgrims and adventurers to North America in droves. They are directly connected to America’s Uranus in the first house.
This looks very much like a cyber attack meant to destroy the systems that tie us together. Maybe my imagination is too fanciful but resurrecting our old game controllers to brutalize any nation that attempts to destroy us with the drones that everyone in America is making. Sounds like a reason to have a soundtrack of dance songs and metal ready to play. Still hoping we will have some electricity. What can I say, Neptune rules delusion.
I’ve never seen a chart that really bothered me this much but this chart tells a story that looks like a war where the nation, not the military, is fighting. Mobilization. This is something we haven’t seen since World War II but worse its threat to Sibly is similiar to the Civil War. Still America’s symbol is “steps leading up to a lawn blooming in clover” while our enemy has “a house raising”. I’ll take those symbols anyday. There may be a steep climb ahead but it ends in clover for us while the enemy’s house will be nothing but framing material. This will be a major transition for the United States of America. We were warned in 2020 when the glyph of Perseus appeared. It gave us a running headstart to bring back American manufacturing, to build our skills and to toughen up. Whenever Neptune transits from Pisces into Aries, we live through the end of the old system and are confronted with building a new one. Our ideals change and our nation changes along with it.
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