After years of brutal trench warfare, the ruling classes signed an armistice ending the fight and arrived at Versailles on June 28, 1919 in order to store the harvest of the war. The Treaty of Versailles was a prelude to war. Article 231, the War Guilt Clause, laid World War I entirely on the shoulders of Germany. Germans did not believe they were solely responsible. The war reparations were devastating to Germany. Days before, they had risked resumption of the war and had scuttled its fleet at Scapa Flow rather than let the allies take the fleet and divide it between them. This bitter war fruit was put away in the Great Sea, the 12th house, to play a pivotal role at the Declaration of War by the United Kingdom beginning World War II. World War I did not die, it just faded into the 12th house for another day.

The zodiac sign Libra has a very sunny reputation, ruled by the goddess of love, Venus. Beauty disguises the idea that justice, peace and balance are only ever a virtue and never a vice. Libra is best seen not when there is balance but when there is imbalance. Libra is the partner to Aries, ruled by the war god Mars. Venus is as much a conqueror as Mars. The Aries/Libra axis is the war conflict axis.
Treaties belong to Libra. The treaty’s diplomatic negotiation is a bloodless battle meant to arrive at a solution to the same problems that provoke deadly combat. Librans tread carefully because of the stakes involved in their participation. The portrayal of Venus in art is often a lovely woman innocently charming all. Having Germany agree to pay war reparations that would destroy their economy was not negotiated by a lightweight, naive ingenue. Most times the people actually doing the negotiating are battle hardened veteran warriors or freshly battle tested leaders. Yet at that moment, they become Libra. The war is over, let’s make peace. Here they are represented by a Leo Venus on the “intoxicated chickens trying to fly” degree. The best treaties resolve issues that caused the war. The Treaty of Versailles made no attempt to resolve the underlying issues and instead sunk the war drums and war materiel into the 12th house to resurface later. The 12th house is associated with intoxication. The elites were so busy storing conflict in the cellar and nipping into the fermented products there, they had become so drunk they thought they could fly. After making sure plenty of conflict was available for later, the elites then proceeded to create additional conflict, the war reparations, seizing of Lorraine and branding the Germans as admitted warmongers hurting their pride, that would carry over until the fight began again.

The Treaty of Versailles horoscope and the 1939 United Kingdom Declaration of War indicate that World War II was not a separate war from World War I. Astrologically, the events are linked directly. The karmic North Node of the Declaration is conjunct the Ascendant of the Treaty. Whenever anything is conjunct the Ascendant, you are dealing with the whole horoscope. That point represents everything unique about that event or person. World War II’s karmic purpose came out of the Treaty of Versailles. Germany did not believe it was solely responsible for World War I and did not actually agree with the War Guilt Clause of the Treaty. In Libra, that injustice had to be set right provoking Germany to reengage the conflict in the pursuit of balance. It was Libra that made World War II. In the parlance of biological creatures, World War II was the reincarnation of World War I. The Treaty of Versailles was an astrological construct allowing storage of conflict for the future. Libra in the 12th house.
Warriors, who are Aries, wear war paint they call camouflage, some women wear makeup, this is Libra, and this is done to increase attractiveness. In both instances, it is camouflage and has the purpose of disguising the underlying meaning. Both are disguising a person who is seeking to conquer. Warriors may fade, wars may fade, and women’s beauty fades. Fading is Libra. Fade came from a word meaning to become pale. Women are the paler or fairer sex and they are represented by Venus, ♀, while men are represented by Mars, ♂. World War I didn’t die on the battlefield, it faded away.