The entire country is full of infidels. The unfaithful to someones religion. At its heart, the state of Israel is a battleground over religion. The so called Holy Land is full of the most unholy violent fights. God never steps in to separate the brawling worshipers. After millenia of coexistence, everyone still thinks their God is The God.
Today, Hamas launched rockets into Israel and followed up with direct attacks. Israel is responding with military strikes and cut the power. Blood is spilling and the body count is rising. Hamas has called the attack Operation al-Aqsa Flood. Al-Aqsa is the Dome of the Rock compound in Jerusalem. The Temple Mount to the Jews.

The attack began with a Libra Ascendant so Hamas is represented by the ruler of Libra, the Leo Venus in the eleventh house conjunct Juno. Israel is represented by the ruler of the Descendant, the Libra Mars in the first house conjunct the South Node of the Moon.
Instead of diving into the depths on this chart, let’s just take the big three (Ascendant, Sun and Moon) and analyze this moment. The character of the event is Libra and that means this event is about the peace treaty being discussed between Israel and Saudi Arabia. Israel’s ruler Mars is in Libra and recently Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) have been interviewed and encouraged everyone that a coming peace deal may happen. The Middle East has a major conflict brewing between Iran and Saudi Arabia and MbS needs an American security guarantee.
In the coming new global system replacing the post World War II Bretton Woods system, forward thinking countries are trying to climb in the limited lifeboats of the sinking USS Bretton Woods. The US is moving away from stabilizing the commercial system that ended pre-war imperialism. It was all a bribe to stop the Soviet Union and that has been dead for over 30 years. Now Russia, its main successor state, is spilling its remaining blood in the Bakhmut killing grounds of eastern Ukraine. As Russia goes, so goes Bretton Woods.
Hamas is spoiling the adults’ party. The 13° Libra Sun is the actor and it is on the Sabian symbol, “children blowing soap bubbles.” Saudi Arabia may have a critical need for a US security guarantee but the nation is heavily invested in its Puritanical Sunni Wahhabism. The nation has a stellium and South Node in Virgo. Abandoning the Sunni Palestinians to forge a new relationship with Israel is the price the Palestinians are forcing Saudi Arabia to pay. Whether or not, they are prepared to do so is a question.

Saudi Arabia’s ruling planet Pluto is currently conjunct the retrograde Saturn in its Proclamation chart. The removal of dead forms of past Saturnian authority. Today’s conflict has a Cancer Moon in the tenth house. Family, homeland in the places of authority such as the government and business. The Moon though represents the past.
Although the conflict’s Libra Mars representing Israel and the Capricorn Pluto are in a closing square, America’s Ascendant-Descendant axis lies at the point of the release for the Thor’s Hammer chart aspect. MbS Sagittarius Uranus and his Gemini Chiron lie on these points as well. The rulers of that axis are the Libra Mercury, the peace document, or the retrograde Taurus Jupiter, the past stubborn religion. MbS Uranus conjunction to America’s Ascendant reveal that his Aquarian future is connected to America as a whole. I’m leaning toward MbS breaking with religion (Sagittarius Uranus) and that would leave the Sunni Palestinians out of luck.
For all the bloodletting in the un-Holy Land, the religious, Sagittarius, wailing at the western wall and prayers at the mosque of al-Aqsa has not delivered the answers, Gemini. What is truth? Who has the answer? Another page in the millenia of conflict turns.