Scorpio. Rising from the ashes. Destroying the seed state. Finding a role as second in command, Queen Consort, or the heir. Vito Genovese ruled the Luciano crime family briefly twice. As befits a Scorpio Ascendant with several Scorpio planets, his best role was to play second in command and heir. Neither time he became the Boss was particularly successful or long lasting. It is not that Scorpios are denied executive power, it is that they are here to face their fears and overcome them. Fearing failure means they will fail.

Scorpio is about the lack of inner valuation. This lies behind their inability to trust others. Advancing trust to others can be a measure of inner resources. When you trust yourself, advancing trust is easier. If you judge you could be destroyed, you will be motivated to withhold trust to protect yourself. To protect your vulnerability. Scorpios don’t trust because they are protecting their vulnerability. They live in a state of fear. People who are afraid are very dangerous. Their highest expression is found in facing their fears and overcoming them. What do you fear; failure, violence, betrayal, loss, the unknown? Forced to walk into the dark. Forced to confront your personal hell. Becoming comfortable in the dark. This is Scorpio.
Genovese killed a man so he didn’t have to share a portion of $35,000 from a score of $150,000. He had murdered before. He had stole money before. This ghost would haunt him.
Two years later, he became acting Boss. Acting boss, his crime family, his personal family, and his country all went up in smoke at once. The next year he fled back to Italy, fearing prosecution. He rebuilt a life for himself there.
About ten years later, the U.S. Army came to Italy and the murder followed him. He was forced back for trial but all the witnesses were killed. He was back in the U.S. and he rebuilt himself. In 1957, he made his move. He tried to kill Frank Costello and killed Albert Anastasia. Less than a month later, he orchestrated a grand meeting of the national Costa Nostra organization. Whether it was luck that the policeman overheard something that made him suspicious or certain elements opposed to Genovese that betrayed him to the police, the meeting to anoint him the Boss of Bosses ended with his audience scattered and running through the woods. Fleeing in fear in an attempt not to be found together. Genovese had brought the Commission into the spotlight.

The Apalachin horoscope is a transit chart for Vito Genovese. This moment was about the trials a Scorpio undertakes in their life. The police are represented by the retrograde Aries Vesta. The mobsters are the Leo Uranus who react and break up the party. They actually run into the woods. This is a disorienting spatial experience, known as liminal space, which is a classic 6th house experience.

This day was all about Vito Genovese. The Apalachin Scorpio North Node is conjunct Genovese’s Ascendant. Anything conjunct the Ascendant is highlighting the person in their entirety. Destroying Genovese, who also happens to be heir apparent to be the Boss of Bosses, is the purpose of the day. Just destroying him would not be enough, the destruction would need to entail the role he was playing.
Scorpios (individuals with many strong Scorpio traits or placements) in leadership positions are usually not successful with the notable exception of leaders of organizations whose focus is on destruction or transformation. Scorpionic leaders continually drive off people who work for them, struggle to build anything because the whole time they rip down what is being built and worse they have to face their fears which often leaves the surrounding people sifting through the ashes of the pyre they have been consumed on. This article was put on hold to write the Afghanistan article because the United States blundered out of Afghanistan and a new nation was born.
America left behind a nation’s worth of military equipment in the hands of the enemy who had been killing American soldiers for twenty years. That equipment represented valuables that most of our allies would have loved to receive. Demonstrating loss of wealth. America has debt today that will be paid by children who aren’t even born so the Taliban can have premiere military material to repress women and kill anyone who disagrees with their religion. America left behind thousands of interpreters who had assisted America at the risk of their own lives. Demonstrating a serious lack of loyalty. America even abandoned the military dogs locked in their crates because no one wanted to bring dogs home when they were leaving Americans behind. Demonstrating a serious pathological ability to betray the innocent. All ashes of the pyre. Biden has strong Scorpio placements. He hasn’t even finished his first year there will be much more to come and it won’t go well for him. He isn’t here to be successful he is here to plumb the deepest pit in hell. Americans are just along for the ride. Genovese at Apalachin was plumbing a deep pit in hell and the mob was just along for the ride.