Cosmological Mythmaking – Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, 2021

The fall of the Afghan government has shocked the world. It was rapidly succeeded by a restored government that appears to have been declared at 9:12 p.m. on August 15, 2021 at the Arg in Kabul. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan was first established in 1996 and has been restored by the Taliban.

The restored Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan showing a four elements cross pattern and a reverse Thor’s Hammer chart pattern.

This new natal chart of Afghanistan has a 21° Aries Ascendant whose symbol is “a pugalist entering the ring”. The new Afghanistan will show the world an aggressive militant personality. The presence of Uranus indicates the country will follow its own path and no other country will be able to control or even influence their reactions. An Aries Ascendant with Uranus in the 1st house will have the hallmark of independence.

The Taliban was initially a religious movement of students that would become teachers. Taliban means students. The Soviet Union under the influence of their Marxist anti-religious philosophy attempted to destroy them. They were forged from this crucible and were able to confront the corruption and disarray of the Afghan government and establish the first Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. This backstory indicates the Taliban fighters will be represented by Mercury, the planet representing students, and the Taliban mullahs are Jupiter, the planet representing teachers.

In the first emirate, the regular Taliban were 19° Virgo Mercury in the 1st house. Mercury represents young people, students, the gossip and those with parochial interests. These virginal students existed as the body of Afghanistan but now take up a new position in the restored emirate. The 6° Virgo Mercury in the new horoscope places these unmarried young men in a new role. First, they are more seasoned fighters, Mercury is conjunct Mars. They also are in the 5th house of playgrounds straddling the 6th house as well. These Taliban will require co-rulership. The mullahs have changed from the older religious teacher who ruled, Capricorn Jupiter in the 5th, to a retrograde Aquarian Jupiter in the 11th. The mullahs are now backward looking, fixed in viewpoint and essentially have become the audience of the students. They are an anachronism but still maintain tremendous power as the focal actor of the Thor’s Hammer aspect. As challenges confront these young ruling fighters, the mullahs will continually send them backward as the release point.

The first Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

As the Taliban seized control of Kabul, the stars above showed the Taliban would be ascendant. The south node in Sagittarius was conjunct the ascendant. Jupiter rules Sagittarius so the mullahs were prompting the fall of the Afghan republic. By the time the emirate was restored, the students had become the dominant force in Afghanistan. They are parochial in interests and will likely dominate the country through new types of communication than the previous Taliban regime.

The Sagittarius south node triggers the fall of Kabul and the republic of Afghanistan.

Woman have a new role in Afghanistan as well. The co-rulership of married prime age men, represented by the Leo Sun in the 5th, with the virginal Taliban students has a square aspect with the Scorpio Moon in the 7th. Although these women and indeed the country’s public generally are controlled by the government, they exist in the house of equality. Although heavily controlled and in harsh aspect to their husbands, it appears to be slightly better situation for wives than the first emirate. Virginial young women, Virgo Venus, exist in the 6th house. This space suggests they exist at the gate as workers. Previously, they were represented by Leo Venus in the 12th, princesses locked away out of sight. The biggest change is married men and the militant fighters will rule instead of the mullahs and spiritual leaders. This seems to have created some space for this government to exist long term.

The cross natal chart pattern is a ward in a horoscope. Think of someone who hears something and crosses their fingers to block the thought. The crossing represents the four elements and this provides a degree of shielding. The Sibly chart of the U.S. shows this aspect as well. It is a very powerful aspect that is protective. The other aspect in the restored emirate chart is a Thor’s Hammer that will continually force challenges that will result in forceful releases of the building energy. The new horoscope is powerful, protective and strongly retrograde. Once again, the Taliban have survived and grown stronger in the crucible.