Every once in awhile you come across something that really sings to you. A passage in a book, the colors of a painting, the fine
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Astrology by Blue Moon Zodiac
Every once in awhile you come across something that really sings to you. A passage in a book, the colors of a painting, the fine
Read moreTo the victor, goes the spoils. At Culloden, the English took the Highlanders clothes as part of the spoils. Until then, the plaid kilt was
Read moreTotal solar eclipses are rare events that plant new seeds. Associated in the past with the fall of kings and kingdoms, instead they are beginnings.
Read moreRight now, in the United States of America, astrology attracts people mostly from one side of the political spectrum. Even a big number of English
Read moreIn Manhattan, mere blocks from where they likely stayed that night, Henry and Meghan Sussex jumped into their SUV and joined New York traffic. They
Read moreNo one today knows the date of Anne Boleyn’s birthday. It wasn’t written down and the best guess from original sources is sometime in late
Read moreIt all began when Pluto trined Mercury. The Aries Moon was conjunct Chiron. An angry woman started an argument and then proceeded to threaten to
Read moreThe fall of the Afghan government has shocked the world. It was rapidly succeeded by a restored government that appears to have been declared at
Read moreWindsor Castle is the military stronghold and refuge of kings. When violence was afoot in England, the King and his family often sheltered at Windsor.
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