Jupiter is the planet representing god. Jupiter was the god known for his thunderbolts. For the period of time surrounding a Jupiter Uranus conjunction, a judgement from God could be on its way. A previous article discussed this type of karma for the town of Port Royal. The astrological chart showed that at the moment the town was destroyed, Jupiter was in a very orderly state of mind (3° Gemini). Restoring order while sitting on his throne in the 9th house he threw a thunderbolt and destroyed the pirate haven.
The same theme is present in the 2024 exact conjunction chart of the Jupiter Uranus conjunction over Washington D.C. The Ascendant-Descendant is on 3° Sagittarius-Gemini. America is tired of the disorder. Jupiter is taking a direct hand in manifesting some rule about America’s wealth (Taurus). The conjunction at 21° Taurus is the Sabian symbol “a finger pointing in an open book”. The image recalls to mind the Biblical Daniel story of the writing on the wall. The King of Babylon (Iraq) was sitting in a banquet and in flagrant disrespect he called for the sacred vessels of god and while drinking from them they praised the gods of gold, silver, bronze, iron, stone and wood. While they watched a hand appeared and wrote a judgement on the wall. In great fear, the king called Daniel to translate who told him his days were numbered, he had been weighed and was found lacking and his kingdom was given over to the Medes and the Persians. We would call them Iranians today.
In the Washington D.C. astrological chart, the ruler is Jupiter. It is America who points to the judgement. The Iranians are Ceres in the 9th house in their conjunction chart in Tehran (Taurus Ascendant-Scorpio Descendant). They are on the symbol “a child of five with a huge shopping bag” squaring the Aries Venus on the symbol “a magic carpet”.

Astrological moments describe natural cycles coming together in new material and spiritual ways. Already as of February 3, 2024, the U.S. military is conducting air strikes on Iraq, Yemen and Syria’s territory to hit Iranian proxy groups in an effort to address the constant attacks on U.S. military personnel mostly located in Iraq. Left once before to defend themselves, President Obama had to send the military in a second time to destory ISIS and hold off the Iranian proxy militant groups that are still operating with impunity in Iraq. A decade later and similar to the Afghans, Iraq is ineffective at defending its own territory against groups aligned with a country that hates them and views them as infidels. Full of drinking, banqueting and lack of sufficient respect for Jupiter, the Iranians are pouring into their city as they party all night long praising the wrong things. The astrological chart has written that the U.S. is conducting a weighing exercise not of Iran but of Iraq.
The Iranian Capricorn Ceres has a strong square contact to the Aries Venus. The image conjured of a small person with a big bag contacting a flying carpet seems to be a strike on a U.S. air asset (flying carpet) from the ground possibly with a missile (small child with a big bag). The 22° Pisces Mars is “a man bringing down the new law from Sinai.” This restates the theme of Jupiter Uranus aspects. Another symbol that evokes a judgement from god carved into stone. The American Jupiter Uranus transit horoscope has Jupiter – Uranus conjunction in the 6th house. Sculpting is a 6th house activity. Removing the excess stone reveals the truth of what exists already. America does not want to fight Iran and they don’t want their soldiers to be killed in Iraq again.
The U.S.A.’s Sibly chart is a Sagittarian Ascendant. Ruled by Jupiter, American policy has changed and there is a new law coming down from Sinai. Since September 11, 2001, America has been on the march against extremists in the Middle East but a new law is emerging from the stone tablet. President Biden abandoned Afghanistan and Iraq is to be abandoned next. Most likely with the Middle East to follow after. The writing is on the wall. The finger is pointed to the open book. America’s judgement has already been made. Babylon’s days are numbered, they have been weighed and found wanting and their kingdom is to be given over to the Medes and the Persians.