The Leo zodiac sign is about reputational fame. They are local notables. The prince, the star, the town mayor and the local preacher. Leo is ruled by the Sun and the natural house is the 5th house of stages and playgrounds. Leo natives act, then observe the reaction and react. As fixed fire, Leo is driven to cultivate an audience as a resource. They seek attention. We all know these people but who are they really? We know them by their impersonal fame or infamy. Georgia Ziadie, Lady Colin Campbell is a classic Leo native. Her life has been about her cultivated fame. A writer who is more of a character than the people she writes about. Locally notable, she has grown her audience to the international stage.

Possible Aquarian Ascendant?
Although her birth time is unknown, there is a strong Aquarian element to her work. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus. Aquarius opposes Leo and, unlike Leo, is uninterested in others reactions. Aquarian natives act and then react to their own actions. They cultivate themselves as a resource. Profoundly unconcerned with others reactions to them, Aquarius is the place of our liberation to be ourselves. To fly our freak flag without hinderance or embarassment. Defy social conventions. The cardinal fire of do your own thing is Aries. The fixed air of think your own way is Aquarius. Although she seeks attention completely in line with her Leo Sun, she is known for her eccentricity associated with Aquarius. Uranian individuals are radicals, freaks and iconoclasts. The effect of this liberated behavior leads to the zodiac sign Aquarius.
Her fame comes from her observations and willingness to gossip about royal circles, she gained more fame in a TV program where she was part of a group, and she took to the recent trend of influencers like she is a zoomer rather than the baby boomer she is. Observation and independent thinking, membership in a group, being an influencer versus a star are all elements of Aquarius. Ascendants are the cloak we wear when we are born and is seen most clearly when young. She was born with a birth defect that caused her to be raised as a boy. She didn’t take to it but it gave her a rather different view on life. Perspective. She has no Aquarius among her planets but the signature is prominent enough that it seems to be on the Ascendant or Midheaven. It is for this reason that her chart whose birth time is unknown is set to an early Aquarian Ascendant.
The Castle Goring Connection
Then there is Castle Goring, the intended family seat of the Shelley baronets. Since Timothy Shelley prefered to live elsewhere, the house was built in the expectation that his son, Percy Bysshe Shelley would live in the house. Checking the Wikipedia entry on Percy Bysshe Shelley finds the first sentence saying “A radical in his poetry as well as in his political and social views, Shelley did not achieve fame during his lifetime, but recognition of his achievements in poetry grew steadily following his death, and he became an important influence on subsequent generations of poets…” Consulting his known astrology birth chart, we see he did not have strong Aquarius but instead had a prominent Leo Uranus, part of a complicated stellium in Leo. Percy Bysshe Shelley was more Uranian than Aquarian. The potent Aquarian brew left at his death was that of an aristocratic rebel willing to defy his family, government and society as a whole.
Lady C now lives in and is restoring Goring. Percy Bysshe Shelley never lived at the house but would have inherited it had he lived long enough. In her Lady Colin Campbell channel Youtube video of February 29, 2024, she talks about the flashes she has had in her life. At 47:50, she says she knew that she would obtain Castle Goring. Having had a few similar instances myself, she describes something that tends to be associated with information for my nodal path in life. Signposts telling you the way. It is not a surprise then that her Virgo Ceres is conjunct Percy Bysshe Shelley’s north node. Castle Goring is best represented as Ceres. Ceres is material wealth and a castle built not for defense or some other governmental purpose but for display of wealth is Cerean. Shelley was supposed to have been moving toward his Virgo north node in the 6th house. Manifestation and hard work. He sank literally under his Pisces south node in the 12th at the age of 29. His decayed and drowned body was burned on the beach where he was found after a shipwreck.

Dying at the age of 29 is about Saturn. Saturn is the planet of discipline and maturity. Around the age of 29, Saturn returns for the first time to the place he began in your natal chart. As the lord of karma, Saturn is all about making you aware of your responsibilities.
Percy Bysshe Shelley was born with a complicated astrological signature. His south node in the 12th house is ruled by a Libra Neptune conjunct Jupiter and Mars. His Pisces Moon also gives plenty of weight to his karmic past as well. Famously known for hallucinations of being attacked by strangers, this element of his personality was manifesting some ancient karmic murder story (Neptune-Jupiter-Mars conjunction). At first, it was strangers attacking him and attempting to assassinate him. A famous incident in Wales giving rise to Shelley’s ghost. Then near his death he was living with his wife, his idealized woman, Jane Williams, and her common law husband, Edward Williams. They had all moved into a house by the sea. Haunted, he had a nightmare where the sea rushed in and he saw bloodied Jane Williams and Edward Williams and himself strangling his wife. This ancient murder was replicated through his nightmare in his incarnation and was most likely from his past. Days later, he was out in his boat with Edward Williams and another man when they were overtaken by a storm and drowned.
Saturn had arrived and told him it was time to get on with his responsibilities. His Taurus Saturn was conjunct his Ascendant. Shelley was supposed to be organizing an estate. Saturn wasn’t interested in his romantic notions. Shelley’s ghost needed to serve as fodder for his writing but he gave himself over to it once again. Goring Castle is the Leo Ceres on the Sabian symbol “sunshine after a storm”. It was Goring that was to be his grand stage for the illustrious life he would manifest. His writing was to serve for the building of his personal estate with Gemini in the 2nd house. Instead of accepting the challenge of his north node, he went out and when other more experienced (Saturn) fisherman told them to strike their sails, he ignored Saturn. Saturn was on the Sabian symbol “a sled without snow”. Shelley was going nowhere. He ignored Saturn at his peril and was drowned on July 8, 1822.
Lady C is also haunted. Numerous members of her family have been murdered and her grandfather was murdered by a man who returned to finish him off, similar to the Welsh incident of Shelley’s ghost. In her Lady Colin Campbell channel on Youtube of March 2, 2024 at 39:00, she notes more than six persons of her family have been murdered and provides details of her father’s attempted murder. Although there seems to be no direct link to her Cancer (family) Mars (killer), it may be that a transit or another person provided a karmic link. Strangers have attacked and murdered her family members. In her life, Mars bears a resemblance to the signature of Shelley’s ghost represented by his Libra Neptune, Jupiter, Mars conjunction.

Percy Bysshe Shelley was born to pursue organizing an estate (Taurus Saturn) crafting books (Virgo Mercury in the 6th) that would provide him personal resources (Gemini in the 2nd). From Goring, his famous estate (Leo Ceres), he would live a life of pleasure with its magnificant backdrop as his personal stage. Ignoring Saturn, he was drowned by his own demon, his hubris. The reincarnation of Percy Bysshe Shelley or not, Lady Colin Campbell lives the life Percy Bysshe Shelley was meant to live. By previously failing to complete the task at hand, she was not given the fabulous estate but instead has had to work (Virgo) to improve the property. Her Virgo Venus conjunct Ceres represents the task that wasn’t previously accepted. The signature of a Virgo Venus can be a labor of love and the fixer-upper Goring is the Virgo Ceres. She calls some of her labor, whoring for Goring. Fixing Goring is her labor of love. Goring was built to be the stage for Shelley, now Lady Colin Campbell is the local eccentric famous notable inhabiting Goring.