Creating Toxic Landscapes – Sun Pluto Oppositions & Chernobyl, 1986

The Chernobyl nuclear disaster spread radiation across the globe. The disaster was a completely man made accident that occurred when engineers were running a test. A nuclear meltdown bears almost no resemblance to the damage from a nuclear bomb. Nuclear bombs are relatively small but the core of a nuclear reactor spreads tons of radioactive material across the landscape.

If you have no memory of this event, it is hard to grasp how bad it was to live on the same planet with the Soviet Union. Central state planning was a disaster all around. Famine, bread lines, and people being shot by soldiers as they desperately tried to find their way through barbed wire to climb a wall to freedom were everyday events before the Soviets blew the lid off a reactor and melted a nuclear core out in the open air.

The Soviet Union left vast swathes of land as toxic landscapes. Think Chernobyl is bad, it isn’t that odd in the former Soviet Union, it’s just famous. Look up the Soviet central planning that went into creating Lake Karachay. Pluto rules hell. The Soviet Union approximated a true physical hell. Watching desperate East Germans try and escape should be all that anyone needs to know to understand that communism and state control should be consigned to the trash heap of history.

The Soviet Union was born out of crises. Its Sun in Capricorn opposed a retrograde Pluto in Cancer. Pluto rules the dead and the Sun represents vitality and life. Inherently, these two create an astrological mechanism that disgorges Pluto’s dead things and brings them out into the light. Scorpio’s fixed water gets a karmic cleansing from the Sun. The Sun’s effect dissipates away or Pluto’s muck is cleansed and there is a new beginning. The planetary opposition doesn’t indicate a smooth seamless process. In this array, Pluto is trying to hold onto his muck.

Understanding the archetype of Sun-Pluto can sometimes be seen in myth. Helios, the Sun god (Sun-Leo), told Demeter (Ceres-Taurus) that Hades (Pluto-Scorpio) had kidnapped her daughter, Persephone. Helios exposed Hades but the ultimate effect was Persephone spent half the year with her mother and half with her husband in Hades. Pluto (Greek Hades) can’t hide from the Sun. Although the Sun will have an effect of removing the hidden nature of Pluto it is not enough to completely overcome Pluto. The effect of these two planets; the zodiac signs Leo and Scorpio create a natural square. Whenever you see a natural square, determining where the release point lies will tell you how the square will manifest itself. The release point of a square describes the Thor’s Hammer chart pattern. Leo-Scorpio has a Thor’s Hammer release point in Pisces or Aries. The counter release point also lies in Virgo or Libra. The archetype leads to Piscean dillution or Arian new beginning.

The Soviet Union 8° Capricorn Sun – 10° Cancer Pluto opposition points you to 9° of Leo and Scorpio, the zodiac signs ruled by these planets. The natural release point of this degree is 24° Pisces with a reverse Thor’s Hammer at 24° Virgo. The Soviet Union’s North and South Nodes of the Moon lie at 23° 58′ 58″ Virgo-Pisces zodiac signs. The 23° Sabian symbol of Pisces the south node is “spiritist phenomena” and the Virgo north node is “an animal trainer”. Driving out the old spiritist elements of Russian culture was one of the main effects of the Soviet Union’s Sun-Pluto opposition. Rooting out much of Pluto’s muck that had allowed a deranged and deviant mystic named Rasputin to gain undue influence over the Tsar and his wife and through them over Russia itself was clearly of utmost importance in the creation of this new unified state. While Rasputin himself may not have been the major issue, the underlying cultural nature of Russia to be swayed by a man of his ilk was a problem that the Soviets attacked with gusto.

Soviet Union & Chernobyl Comparison Chart

In the Chernobyl disaster chart, the Soviet Union’s Sun sits in between the Chernobyl Neptune and Mars. Neptune rules Pisces and Mars rules Aries. The Soviet Union is still unearthing Pluto’s muck for its solar cleansing. Astrology highlights important themes by restatement and repetition. The release point of the Thor’s Hammer of Chernobyl’s Sun-Pluto opposition lies in Pisces. Once again, Sun opposing Pluto is indicative of crises. The Chernobyl accident chart triangle points to retrograde 5° Capricorn Neptune. It isn’t yet time to allow for that new beginning. Instead of a new beginning, a giant landscape (Taurus Sun) was poisoned with Pluto’s radioactive waste (Scorpio Pluto) that must now dissipate away over thousands of years in the case of the plutonium that was blown out. These continuous crises were pushing the Soviet Union toward its new beginning. It couldn’t come fast enough for those of us who were watching the disasters unfold.

Pluto was in Scorpio between 1983 and 1995 and this roughly corresponds to the millenial generation. The millenials and those who are younger have no real memory of the human horror routinely unleashed by the Soviet Union, the dystopian idea that state control can solve all ills is not alarming to them. History doesn’t repeat itself, it just rhymes. Chernobyl was the Soviet Union. They are one in the same.