How Karma Plays Out – Sibly, September 11 & Stuxnet

America has rarely been physically attacked. The people of America responded to the September 11th terrorist attacks much the same as their parents and grandparents did to the attack on Pearl Harbor. The fruition of those efforts came for many years afterward. In 2010, a computer malware worm that came to be known as Stuxnet was found. Buried in its code was the information on the first infection. It heralded the advent of a new form of warfare although it was not the first instance of this type of weapon.

As Iran was suppressing political protestors, a very sophisticated actor unleashed a targeted malware worm directed at four Iranian engineering and technology firms. This worm wasn’t programmed to damage much but targeted a type of industrial controller that happens to be used in controlling centrifuges. Once the worm found a centrifuge it sabotaged the machine while it also hid its tracks. Iran’s nuclear program was the target.

First Wild Infection of Stuxnet

Iran’s nuclear program is the retrograde Capricorn Pluto. The 1° Cancer Sun conjunct 1° Cancer Vesta opposes Pluto. Pluto oppositions signal a crises. Although, no one has ever taken credit for unleashing Stuxnet the most likely candidates are America and Israel. Aside from unleashing Stuxnet, several Iranian scientists were assassinated soon after the malware was found. The Mossad has been blamed for these assassinations.

Karma From September 11th Terrorist Attacks

We often think of karma related to past lives but it plays out for all astrological entities. Stuxnet shows karma in action for Sibly. Sibly is the natal chart for the Declaration of Independence for the United States of America. Considered her birth chart, other important American events, such as 911, can be tracked relative to that chart. The killing of Americans in a physical attack (911 Mars) led to a mass casualty event (Stuxnet retrograde Pluto). America now would reexperience that event again but in a different way. In the lead up to September 11, 2011, the country had ignored signs that terrorists were plotting to wreck havoc and instead were lulled into an ambivalent attitude, with Stuxnet, Sibly directly challenged Iran’s nuclear program.

Comparison Chart for September 11 & Stuxnet

On September 11, 2001, the Capricorn Mars was conjunct the south node. Although the hijackers were not Iranian, intelligence service Iranians have told America that Iran knew about the attacks in advance and since that time they have demonstrated repeatedly their willingness to work with Sunni Muslims to attack Israel in the case of Gaza and American troops in Iraq.

It is the sowing of American deaths that directly led the Cancer Sun to oppose Iran’s retrograde Capricorn Pluto. Retrograde planets indicate a planet working with past karma. Instead of killing Iranians, the attacks were meant to dissolve Iran’s material wealth (Taurus Mars trine Virgo Saturn-Ceres in fourth house). The nuclear program’s physical plant.

Sibly Comparison Chart with Stuxnet

For all of Iran’s hatred of America, Stuxnet was an attack that at its heart was part of America’s quest for peace. The Stuxnet Sun-Moon is conjunct Sibly’s Cancer Jupiter-Venus. Venus is a tricky planet when it comes to peace. Venus is also about partnerships and therefore war is represented by Venus. Two armies locked in combat have become partners.

Stuxnet itself is the retrograde Aquarius Jupiter conjunct retrogrades Neptune-Chiron in the tenth house. Stuxnet was designed to seek out (Jupiter) certain computers protected by an air gap from the internet and then quietly injure (Chiron) the centrifuges dissolving (Neptune) the Iranian’s ability to produce a nuclear bomb. It was from America’s Aquarius Moon conjunct retrograde Pallas. Stuxnet was created from the American people’s wisdom based on their past experience. Stuxnet is the perfect horoscope to begin to understand how karma plays out over time.