America’s first paper currency, known as greenbacks, were created when Congress decided to borrow $50,000,000 to fund the government during the early days of the Civil War. On July 17, 1861 at 2:35 p.m. (estimate from the Congressional Globe record) the act to offer demand notes was passed. At its most basic level, money is debt that galvanizes a nation to produce the supplies needed to supply the army. Offer money and demand that same money to be used to pay taxes. Everyone has a need for the notes and can readily exchange their goods, which may not be needed by the military, with other parties. It should not be so surprising that nineteen days later, Congress authorized the first national income tax also due to the necessity of funding the government. In March 1862, Congress made the Demand Notes legal tender officially making them money. America’s financing mechanism of the Civil War was now complete.

This moment shows the natural tendency and cycle of a group of people funding a war. Immediately borrow to supply the military, the next issue is worry about further supply needs and also how to fund the military for the duration of the war, this generally leads to an increase in taxes, then if the war needs outstrip the excess production of a single annual yearly cycle, monetize the needed debt and borrow the excess production from the future to save the nation now. The strength and power of the military is the main foundation of a debt based monetary system. The Aries zodiac sign is the first sign and all others are built on that foundation. The paper greenback dollar was America’s longest money issuance. They have since been replaced by Federal Reserve notes that are not backed by silver or gold. They are backed by the U.S. government. Imagine if the U.S. military just disappeared, how much would a reserve dollar be worth? For that matter how much would a euro, or other western currency be worth?
Much has been said about the motives of the South to secede but why did the North fight? It was a very unpopular war in the North. The U.S. government was fighting to preserve the Union. America is an empire. The definition of an empire is an extensive group of states or countries under a single supreme authority. The Constitution made America an empire and the leaders wanted to keep the empire intact. America’s Sun is at 13° Cancer whose Sabian symbol is “one hand slightly flexed with a very prominent thumb.” The Pollice Verso. The ancient symbol of Roman popular judgement for a defeated gladiator. When America’s Sun is significant in a U.S. government horoscope, you can expect the very life of the nation is in the balance.

In the horoscope of the Greenback, the South Node of the Moon lay at 13° Cancer in the 8th house. The 8th house are places of shared resources. Congress was seeking a loan of other people resources. America’s Sun lay at the heart of this loan and she ruled the Leo Mars in the 9th. This is the imperial Union Army located in a foreign land that being the Confederate States of America.
The particular character of the event was determined by Juno conjunct Pluto in the 6th house. Here she is Juno Moneta, the goddess of the mint, bargaining with Pluto to create the financing for the war. She and Pluto are at 10° Taurus whose symbol is “a Red Cross nurse.” She is the support of the army and in a role that other upper class women would often emulate during this period; that of Florence Nightingale and fundraising. On this day, she would turn her attention to raising money so her boys would have the supplies they needed. She is dressed to tend their wounds and provide compassionate care. Pluto is there for the dead. Pluto often is found in the guise of the surgeon removing dead tissue. By providing the financing, he would be getting a large influx of new subjects for Hades.
The U.S. government reckoned that the Civil War had directly cost the North $3.4 billion in the money of that time; a massive sum. America displayed the Pollice Verso and paid the price required to remain an empire. This moment ties the USA to an ancient empire known for its military might, the SPQR. Rome. The lovely Juno stepped forward to assist the USA and arranged everything. She kept printing the greenbacks until they were limited at the end of the war at $450 million. She printed the notes in green. Juno, the special counselor of state to the SPQR, introduced the USA greenback paper dollar.