King Charles III is nothing if not constant. His Taurus Moon is as steady and predictable as the woman it originally represented, his mother The Queen. That Taurus Moon in his 10th house is conjunct his Taurus north node. Keep calm and carry on. In the heavens, the Taurus zodiac sign traces the outline of a bull and in astrology is the fixed earth zodiac sign. Ruled by Ceres. The natural house is the second. After surviving in the first house, now its time to build something for yourself in the second. This is about steadiness, patience, the harvest, providing for youself, self esteem and personal wealth.

The house system describes the actual place where the actors, the planets, and the type of action, the zodiac sign, will happen. Anchored into the same place, it isn’t truly a surprise that King Charles will start his coronation on the house cusps that match his own natal chart. His wife Camilla’s natal chart also starts in conjunction to those house cusps.
The coronation will first and foremost display King Charles wounds at being unable to be his own independent man all these years. The Aries (independence) Chiron (unhealed wounds) is conjunct the Midheaven (place of highest prominence). Camilla’s grandchildren’s role is not about Camilla but more about Charles doing things his own way very publically. Grandparents are often represented by Pluto, but it goes both ways, Pluto can also represent grandchildren. Pluto is shared wealth, inheritance and heirs. The grandchildren are directly connected in a tense aspect to Charles’ Moon. His wife, the one the palace said over and over again would never be Queen going so far as to say she would be known as Princess Consort, is being crowned Queen. Her grandchildren who shouldn’t have any role in the Royal Family are getting a big role. These are public displays of the King getting his own way and also the wounds he has from the decades where he didn’t. Unchanging he has held onto his own essential emotional self and his Taurus Moon is now conjunct the Aries Jupiter. The independent (Aries) King (Jupiter).
With Leo on the Ascendant, its ruler is the Taurus Sun and this is specifically Charles during the ceremony. His natural partner is the ruler of the Aquarius Descendant, the Taurus Uranus, who is Camilla. In an interesting twist, the Taurus Sun is conjunct the asteroid Diana who is linked to the asteroids Kate and Henry. King Charles is holding Diana close and Diana is actually closer to him than the Taurus Uranus, Camilla. It seems that the King will especially be reminded of Diana at this event and Kate and Henry will play a significant role in that. Finally, asteroid Charleroi (French for King Charles) and asteroid William are conjunct and linked to the coronation Aries Jupiter. His heir, Prince William, is in the 8th house the natural house of Scorpio ruled by Pluto.

Finally, Charles is undergoing a personal reversal in this horoscope. His natal chart has a Scorpio Sun. The Sun most directly represents us and as a Scorpio Sun he was for most of his life, The Prince of Wales, an heir. At the coronation, he has become the Taurus Sun while the coronation Scorpio Moon is conjunst his natal Scorpio Sun. This is the very plain astrological sentence that the inheritance (Scorpio) is past (Moon). The Taurus Sun is Charles as a man of means, The King.
His siblings are also shown in reversal. They first appear in his chart as the 4th house Scorpio Mercury conjunct his south node. These potential heirs (Scorpio) siblings (Mercury) in the family (4th house). They are now in the Coronation horoscope the retrograde (past) Taurus (personally wealthy) Mercury (siblings, cousins) conjunct Vesta (servants) and the north node (future path) in public (10th house). Much has been said of The Queen’s largesse to her children and cousins and their role is reversed in the Coronation chart. This also matches much of the message of the announcement horoscope of the Queen’s death.
One thing is certain, Charles was born with a fixed Taurus north node and seventy-four years later as his north node returns back to its original place in his chart, he is still on his Tauran journey. Fixed earth. Building his wealth. Staying the course. Taurus Moon. Unchanging inside. Marrying a woman he has wanted from the start and who reflects him. Putting the crown on his head at the exact time that reflects him. The constant bull. Taurus the sign of steadiness, patience, the harvest, providing for youself, self esteem and personal wealth. Now everyone else must change to fit in with him. The coronation is King Charles, we are finally about to see him for the first time.
For more on the 0° Aquarius Pluto transit, check out the article about Charles’ Cancer Announcement.