The discovery of Lucy occurred on November 24, 1974 in the Hadar region of Ethiopia. The extraordinary astrological moment illustrates the relationship of the fixed houses of the horoscope and tells us exactly why Lucy has rejoined our world.

The fixed houses are the second (fixed earth), fifth (fixed fire), eighth (fixed water) and the eleventh (fixed air) .The second house represents the fixed earth beneath our feet. The eighth house represents the depths even further below. Above us, the eleventh house represents the sky. The final fixed house is the fifth and is the place of play represented by the Sun. The Sun is a traveler between the deep, earth in the middle, and the sky. This traversing of the entire fixed world represents mastery of physical space. Many ancient cultures, such as the Greeks, Egyptians and Celts, have worshipped this story in its various guises.
There is no reason to belabor the details of the horoscope. The discoveror, Dr. Donald Johanson, is represented by the ruler of the Aquarius Ascendant, Uranus. His partner, the fossil Lucy, is represented by the ruler of the Leo Descendant, the Sun. Lucy is the traveler from the depths, the earth and into the sky. She is a master of the physical world. Her extraordinary legs showed she strode upright and became an ancestress of modern humans.
She arrives in the 11th, the sky and known for its association with scientific inquiry, as bones. There we see the asteroid Lucy is in Capricorn with its connection to Saturn representing bones especially the knees and legs. Her bipedalism is the find that makes her so famous. To complete her solar revolution she was pulled from the earth of Ethiopia, whose asteroid was there in the 2nd house. Lucy was not subtle. The night she was discovered the anthropologists celebrated by listening repeatedly to the Beatles song “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.” The fossil they named Lucy in the 11th, the sky, with bones revealing the depths of human origins, her diamonds.